Maryland's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act Plan

"Climate change is real. Scientists agree. It's happening now. It's harmful and human-caused. We can make a difference through our actions." In 2009, Governor Martin O’Malley and Maryland’s General Assembly charged the State with developing a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan that will reduce greenhouse gases 25 percent by the year 2020. This report provides a detailed overview of Maryland’s Plan, describing Maryland’s vulnerability to climate change and detailing Maryland’s 150-plus Greenhouse Gas Reduction programs and initiatives and their associated benefits.


IAN Author(s)Tracey Saxby, Brianne Walsh, Catherine Ward, Caroline Donovan, Bill Dennison
Date Published2013-10-08
ProjectDesign and layout of Maryland's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act Plan
MDE Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan
Location(s)Integration and Application Network
Number of Pages246
Filesize29.5 MB
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