IAN is committed to producing practical, user-centered communications that foster a better understanding of science and enable readers to pursue new opportunities in research, education, and environmental problem-solving. Our publications synthesize scientific findings using effective science communication techniques.

Invasive blue catfish in the Chesapeake Bay: A risk to realizing Bay restoration investments (Page 1)

Invasive blue catfish in the Chesapeake Bay: A risk to realizing Bay restoration investments

Robertson E, Malpass J, Ottinger C, Griffin J, Densmore C, and Hyer K ·
22 August 2024

The partners of the Chesapeake Bay are investing billions of dollars in the restoration of critical habitats to improve conditions for people and living resources throughout the Bay and its watershed. However, the recent proliferation of invasive Ictalurus furcatus (blue catfish) in the Chesapeake Bay’s major rivers has the potential to disrupt these restoration efforts and limit the full potential improvement of the ecosystem.

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Luangwa Basin Health Report Card Workshop Newsletter (Page 1)

Luangwa Basin Health Report Card Workshop Newsletter

Lili Badri, Alexandra Fries, Heath Kelsey ·
21 August 2024

For the development of the Luangwa River Basin Report Card, IAN and WWF Zambia conducted two stakeholder workshops, with one held in Katete, Zambia from May 6-8 and the other held in Mpika, Zambia from May 13-15. This newsletter summarizes the activities and main findings of the workshops and serves as the foundation for the socio-environmental analysis of the Luangwa River Basin.

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Patapsco River 2023 Report Card (Page 1)

Patapsco River 2023 Report Card

Amanda DeLeo ·
14 August 2024

This report card, produced with Patapsco Heritage Greenway as part of the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative, assesses the condition of the Patapsco River using volunteer monitoring data for the second year in a row.

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Controls on Oxygen Variability and Depletion in the Patuxent River Estuary (Page 1)

Controls on Oxygen Variability and Depletion in the Patuxent River Estuary

Dreiss A, Azarnivand AR, Hildebrand A, Ahmadi SFP, Ali SS, Lucchese VM, Zhang Q, Lapham LL, Woodland RJ, Harris L, Testa JM. ·

Oxygen depletion in coastal waters is increasing globally due primarily to eutrophication and warming. Hypoxia responses to nutrient loading and climate change have been extensively studied in large systems like the Chesapeake Bay and the Baltic Sea, while fewer studies have investigated smaller, shallower hypoxic zones.

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Connecting Conservation Practices to Local Stream Health in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (Page 1)

Connecting Conservation Practices to Local Stream Health in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

Noe G, Angermeier PL, Barber LB, Buckwalter J, Cashman MJ, Devereux O, Doody TR, Entrekin S, Fanelli RM, Hitt N, Huber ME, Jasmann JR, Maloney KO, Mohs TG, Sabat-Bonilla S, Smalling K, Wagner T, Wolf JC, Hyer KE ·
22 July 2024

The Chesapeake Bay Partnership is implementing conservation practices (CPs) throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed to reduce nutrient and sediment delivery to the Bay. This study intends to provide an integrated and detailed understanding of how local streams respond to these CP-driven management efforts. The publication can also be found on the USGS website here.

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AMAMO2023 and J-COAST (Japanese Translation) (Page 1)

AMAMO2023 and J-COAST (Japanese Translation)

Dennison WC, Furukawa K, Nadaoka K, Vargas-Nguyen V, Anderson S ·
16 July 2024

From November 17th to 22nd, the COAST Card team met in Tokyo, Japan for the Amamo2023 and JCOAST conference and meeting hosted at the Sasikawa Peace Foundation. While there, team members listened to and presented talks on seagrass, blue carbon, science communication, and the COAST Card Project. They visited various places around Tokyo that are of interest to the COAST Card Project or serve as sites of engagement and restoration events.

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AMAMO2023 and J-COAST Newsletter (Page 1)

AMAMO2023 and J-COAST Newsletter

Dennison WC, Furukawa K, Nadaoka K, Vargas-Nguyen V, Anderson S ·
16 July 2024

From November 17th to 22nd, the COAST Card team met in Tokyo, Japan for the Amamo2023 and JCOAST conference and meeting hosted at the Sasikawa Peace Foundation. While there, team members listened to and presented talks on seagrass, blue carbon, science communication, and the COAST Card Project. They visited various places around Tokyo that are of interest to the COAST Card Project or serve as sites of engagement and restoration events.

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2023/2024 Chesapeake Bay & Watershed Report Card (Page 1)

2023/2024 Chesapeake Bay & Watershed Report Card

Vargas-Nguyen V, Edgerton J, Nair R, Anderson S, Badri L, Lucchese V, Fife A, Kelsey H, Dennison B, Knauss C, Trenholm N ·
9 July 2024

This report card provides a transparent, timely, and geographically detailed assessment of Chesapeake Bay and its Watershed. Since 2016, UMCES has engaged stakeholders throughout the watershed to transform the report card into an evaluation of the Chesapeake Watershed health. Watershed health includes traditional ecological indicators, but also economic and societal indicators.

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Charting the Chesapeake: Uncovering the Mysteries of Microdebris (Page 1)

Charting the Chesapeake: Uncovering the Mysteries of Microdebris

Trenholm N, Knauss C ·
9 July 2024

Man-made debris is found throughout the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed, but its status is largely unknown due to the lack of a monitoring framework. Recent research has aimed to collect data on this debris and develop methods for long-term monitoring. The goal is to use this data as an indicator in a future Chesapeake Bay & Watershed Report Card.

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Tool Guide for Stakeholder Engagement in Coastal Communities (Page 1)

Tool Guide for Stakeholder Engagement in Coastal Communities

Stakeholder Engagement is Key to Creating a Vision for the Future

William C. Dennison, Vanessa Vargas-Nguyen, Keita Furukawa, Sidney Anderson, Roshni Nair, Arga C. Anil, Rhodora V. Azanza, S. Lili Badri, Lourdes J. Cruz, Pål I. Davidsen, Dattesh V. Desai, Charissa Ferrera, Tom Gerald Genovia, Gil Jacinto, Lidita Khandeparker, Midori Kawabe, Masashi Kodama, Pheng Lor, Veronica M. Lucchese, Yasumasa Miyazawa, Yushi Morioka, Hilde Maria Nacorda, Kazuo Nadaoka, Takashi Nakamura, Aklilu Tilahun Tadesse, Hiroshi Yagi ·
29 May 2024

To learn more about best practices for organizing, facilitating, and interpreting the responses from stakeholder engagement events, download our Tool Guide for Stakeholder Engagement in Coastal Communities here.

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