IAN is committed to producing practical, user-centered communications that foster a better understanding of science and enable readers to pursue new opportunities in research, education, and environmental problem-solving. Our publications synthesize scientific findings using effective science communication techniques.

War in the Pacific National Historical Park (Page 1)

War in the Pacific National Historical Park

Jane Hawkey, Tim Carruthers ·
19 May 2011

This 6-panel park brochure is the result of an IAN collaboration with the managers and staff of the War in the Pacific National Historical Park on Guam. It highlights for the park visitor the connection between the unique natural ecosystems and species, and the cultural and war history of the island. The goal of the brochure is to educate both the local and off-island park visitor, and instill stewardship of these fragile resources for future generations to enjoy.

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Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of the Verde Island Passage, Philippines (Page 1)

Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of the Verde Island Passage, Philippines

Boquiren R, Di Carlo G, and Quibilan MC
18 May 2011

This report produced in collaboration between Conservation International and IAN contains the scientific studies of the Verde Island Passage (VIP) Vulnerability Assessment project that underpin the immediate and substantial actions needed to increase the adaptive capacity of Verde Island Passage's ecosystems and the people that depend on them. For more publications on the VIP Vulnerability Assessment project, see the IAN Press booklet and policy brief both entitled "Adapting to Climate Change:

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2010 Trust Fund Water Quality Monitoring Strategy (Page 1)

2010 Trust Fund Water Quality Monitoring Strategy

Jane Hawkey ·
10 May 2011

This Monitoring Strategy was designed to identify nutrient reduction efficiencies of best management practices (BMPs) and provide information to determine what type of monitoring is needed by Trust Fund recipients to evaluate the effectiveness of BMP implementation. The main objective is to provide a comprehensive protocol that serves all water quality assessment needs when monitoring urban and agricultural non-point nutrient and sediment fluxes.

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South East Queensland Floods 2011 (Page 1)

South East Queensland Floods 2011

Dennison WC, Udy, J ·
2 May 2011

Moreton Bay is internationally recognised for its large population of green sea turtles and dugongs, and for its unique location next to a major capital city. Following the January flood, there has been serious concern about the impact of the flood plume on these symbolic Moreton Bay creatures. This newsletter provides an overview of some of the initial flood impact assessment results for seagrasses, turtles and dugongs, and identifies the risks that need to be monitored.

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Chesapeake Bay Report Card 2010 (Page 1)

Chesapeake Bay Report Card 2010

Bill Dennison, Heath Kelsey, Caroline Donovan, Sara Powell ·
27 April 2011

This report card provides a transparent, timely, and geographically detailed assessment of 2010 Chesapeake Bay health. The overall health of Chesapeake Bay, assessed using water quality and biotic indicators, declined slightly in 2010. The overall grade decreased from a C in 2009 to C- in 2010. Only two reporting regions (James River and York River) had improved grades in 2010, three were unchanged, and nine declined.

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Case studies of Regional Ecosystem Research (Page 1)

Case studies of Regional Ecosystem Research

Bill Dennison, Bill Nuttle, Caroline Donovan ·
8 April 2011

Eight case studies highlight lessons learned in conducting regional-scale research and incorporating this information into management. The case studies represent a wide variety of physical and ecological contexts; these include the Great Lakes (Lake Erie), a river-dominated coast (northern Gulf of Mexico), tropical lagoon systems (Micronesia and South Florida), and coastal ocean systems (California coast, Bering Sea, Gulf of Maine, and the Northwest Atlantic).

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2011 West & Rhode Rivers Report Card (Page 1)

2011 West & Rhode Rivers Report Card

7 April 2011

This is the third annual West & Rhode Rivers report card. It presents data and information on eight different ecological health indicators. In 2010, new analysis methods were used that were developed in collaboration with the Mid-Atlantic Tributary Assessment Coalition (MTAC), but the findings still remain consistent with the past two years.

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2011 South River Scorecard (Page 1)

2011 South River Scorecard

29 March 2011

This newsletter is the 5th annual South River Scorecard. It presents data and information on six water quality indicators, a human health indicator, an enforcement indicator, and two descriptive indicators. The scorecard also includes information on actions that citizens can take to help improve the health of the South River.

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Deep Creek Lake Baseline Condition Assessment (Page 1)

Deep Creek Lake Baseline Condition Assessment

Powell SL and Kelsey RH ·
25 March 2011

This newsletter summarizes the baseline health assessment produced in 2011 by EcoCheck for Friends of Deep Creek Lake in preparation for production of future annual lake report cards. A unique assessment framework and preliminary data analysis results are presented, along with suggestions for future work and action items for concerned citizens. For further details, see the full assessment document.

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