IAN is committed to producing practical, user-centered communications that foster a better understanding of science and enable readers to pursue new opportunities in research, education, and environmental problem-solving. Our publications synthesize scientific findings using effective science communication techniques.

2011 West & Rhode Rivers Report Card (Page 1)

2011 West & Rhode Rivers Report Card

7 April 2011

This is the third annual West & Rhode Rivers report card. It presents data and information on eight different ecological health indicators. In 2010, new analysis methods were used that were developed in collaboration with the Mid-Atlantic Tributary Assessment Coalition (MTAC), but the findings still remain consistent with the past two years.

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2011 South River Scorecard (Page 1)

2011 South River Scorecard

29 March 2011

This newsletter is the 5th annual South River Scorecard. It presents data and information on six water quality indicators, a human health indicator, an enforcement indicator, and two descriptive indicators. The scorecard also includes information on actions that citizens can take to help improve the health of the South River.

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Deep Creek Lake Baseline Condition Assessment (Page 1)

Deep Creek Lake Baseline Condition Assessment

Powell SL and Kelsey RH ·
25 March 2011

This newsletter summarizes the baseline health assessment produced in 2011 by EcoCheck for Friends of Deep Creek Lake in preparation for production of future annual lake report cards. A unique assessment framework and preliminary data analysis results are presented, along with suggestions for future work and action items for concerned citizens. For further details, see the full assessment document.

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Deep Creek Lake Baseline Assessment Report (Page 1)

Deep Creek Lake Baseline Assessment Report

Kelsey RH and Powell SL ·
18 March 2011

This report describes the baseline condition assessment produced by EcoCheck for Friends of Deep Creek Lake in preparation for production of future annual lake ecosystem health report cards. A new and innovative assessment framework, discussion of the individual indicators, and results of data analysis are presented, along with suggestions for future monitoring and research needs.

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Coral Health Index (CHI): measuring coral community health (Page 1)

Coral Health Index (CHI): measuring coral community health

Kaufman L, Sandin S, Sala E, Obura D, Rohwer F, and Tschirky J ·
16 March 2011

Effective local management of coral reefs has a direct effect on reducing threats and improving overall coral community health. Careful zoning and effective enforcement of resource use within a marine managed area reduces impact of overfishing, allowing populations of grazing fish to rejuvenate and maintain healthy ecosystem functioning. Coral reefs that are healthy have greater resilience and ability to recover from chronic and acute stress.

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South East Queensland Floods 2011 (Page 1)

South East Queensland Floods 2011

Crimp O, Dennison WC, Olley J, Saxton N, Layden I, McKew T, Hill A, Udy J, Walker A ·
16 March 2011

Intense rainfall between 10-12 January 2011 caused flash and river flooding throughout the region. This newsletter focuses on the flood impacts on creeks, streambanks and paddocks. The floods caused significant impacts to waterways and the adjacent floodplains. The greatest impacts occurred in the Lockyer, Mid and Upper Brisbane and Bremer catchments with devastating loss of life and significant environmental damage.

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South East Queensland Floods 2011 (Page 1)

South East Queensland Floods 2011

Dennison WC, Udy J, Schneider P, Filet P ·
2 March 2011

The 2011 floods in South East Queensland were devastating to the people and economy of Queensland, with lives lost and homes and infrastructure destroyed. As communities across Queensland rebuild their homes and businesses, the impact of the floods on the ecosystems that support commercial and recreational activities of the state are unknown.

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2010 Magothy River Index (Page 1)

2010 Magothy River Index

17 February 2011

This report card is an assessment of the aquatic health of the Magothy River, and is based on data collected by the Magothy River Association and various partners. It reports the status of vital habitats and water quality in the Magothy during 2010 based on three different indicators.

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Comprehensive Strategy for Reducing Maryland's Vulnerability to Climate Change, Phase II: building societal, economic, and ecological resilience

Boicourt KE and Johnson ZP (eds) ·
24 January 2011

This report details the findings of the Scientific and Technical Working Group, comprised of experts representing six sectors—human health, agriculture, forests and terrestrial ecosystems, bay and aquatic ecosystems, water resources, and population growth and infrastructure. Each sector assessed climate change vulnerabilities, and recommended adaptation strategies for the State of Maryland.

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Beryllium-7 in soils and vegetation along an arid precipitation gradient in Owens Valley, California (Page 1)

Beryllium-7 in soils and vegetation along an arid precipitation gradient in Owens Valley, California

Kaste JM, Elmore AJ, Vest KR, and Okin GS ·

Beryllium-7 is a potentially powerful tracer of atmospheric deposition and recent sediment transport, but the quantity and distribution of Be-7 on arid landscapes have not been described. We measured Be-7 in soil, vegetation, and dust in Owens Valley, California, and describe its distribution in aridisols and mollisols to evaluate its potential as a sediment tracer in desert environments.

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