IAN is committed to producing practical, user-centered communications that foster a better understanding of science and enable readers to pursue new opportunities in research, education, and environmental problem-solving. Our publications synthesize scientific findings using effective science communication techniques.

Seagrasses of Southwest Australia (Page 1)

Seagrasses of Southwest Australia

Tim Carruthers, Tracey Saxby, Bill Dennison ·
4 November 2005

Southwest Australia has warm temperate water with a mixture of tropical influences from the Leeuwin Current and cool southern waters. This mixing of tropical and temperate water results in diverse seagrass communities occurring in a wide variety of coastal habitats. Almost half of the world's ~60 seagrass species can be found along this 1,500 km of coast. Seagrasses are important to the marine environment as they stabilise sediments and trap nutrients, helping to maintain water quality.

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Seagrasses of Southwest Australia: Estuaries (Page 1)

Seagrasses of Southwest Australia: Estuaries

Tim Carruthers, Tracey Saxby, Bill Dennison ·
3 November 2005

Estuaries are transition zones where rivers meet the ocean, creating an environment with large seasonal fl uctuations in temperature, salinity, and light. These difficult growing conditions provide some unique challenges for seagrasses. In southwest Australia, estuaries are usually closed by a sand bar at the mouth, cutting them off from the ebb and fl ow of the tide for long periods. Winter rains flow down-river into the estuaries, raising the water level until it breaks through the sand bar.

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Seagrasses of Southwest Australia: South Coast (Page 1)

Seagrasses of Southwest Australia: South Coast

Tim Carruthers, Tracey Saxby, Bill Dennison ·
2 November 2005

On the south coast, a diverse range of seagrasses grow in habitats protected from the full force of waves by islands and headlands. South coast seagrasses grow on silica sand to a depth of about 30 m and on carbonate sand beyond 30 m depth. Many seagrasses grow in these sheltered zones, including most of the species found on the west coast. Beyond the shelter of the headlands, waves roll in from the open ocean and seagrasses are subjected to very high wave action.

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MASC Newsletter 4 - Water Quality and Aquatic Grass Wrap Up (Page 1)

MASC Newsletter 4 - Water Quality and Aquatic Grass Wrap Up

Ben Longstaff ·
1 November 2005

This edition of Chesapeake Update provides an overview of water quality and aquatic grass conditions over the summer of 2005. An explanation as to why these conditions occurred is provided–largely a combination of a wet spring followed by a dry, calm and relatively warm summer. The observed conditions are compared to those forecast to occur before the summer, and explanations for any differences is provided.

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Bay Grass Restoration in Chesapeake Bay (Page 1)

Bay Grass Restoration in Chesapeake Bay

Bill Dennison, Tim Carruthers, Tracey Saxby ·
1 August 2005

Chesapeake Bay has historically supported extensive bay grass (underwater grasses) meadows (>75,000 ha). However, water quality degradation from increased sediment and nutrient inputs has reduced the areal coverage and depth penetration of bay grasses, with one third of historical distributions remaining (21,648 ha; 1985-2004 mean). Chesapeake Bay underwater grasses are comprised of a variety of freshwater, brackish, and marine species.

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Creating a framework for reporting ecological conditions: National Capital Region Network of the National Park Service (Page 1)

Creating a framework for reporting ecological conditions: National Capital Region Network of the National Park Service

Jane Hawkey ·
1 August 2005

This newsletter is the product of the May 2005 Vital Signs workshop, with participants from each of the 11 National Parks within the NCRN. The National Park Service (NPS) is implementing a series of programs designed to provide a stronger scientific basis for management actions. The Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) program was initiated in 1990 to help fulfill this mission.

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'Bar Cleaning' in Oyster Restoration

Kennedy VS, Meritt DW, Newell RIE, North EW, Paynter KT, Boesch DF ·
21 July 2005

Scientists with expertise in oyster biology, restoration, and management within the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science met to discuss their diverse perspectives on bar cleaning and power dredging. They developed this consensus statement to offer the Center's best scientific advice to decision makers, managers, stakeholders and partners in oyster restoration.

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