Publications by Bill Dennison

IAN is committed to producing practical, user-centered communications that foster a better understanding of science and enable readers to pursue new opportunities in research, education, and environmental problem-solving. Our publications synthesize scientific findings using effective science communication techniques.

Bay Grass Restoration in Chesapeake Bay (Page 1)

Bay Grass Restoration in Chesapeake Bay

Bill Dennison, Tim Carruthers, Tracey Saxby ·
1 August 2005

Chesapeake Bay has historically supported extensive bay grass (underwater grasses) meadows (>75,000 ha). However, water quality degradation from increased sediment and nutrient inputs has reduced the areal coverage and depth penetration of bay grasses, with one third of historical distributions remaining (21,648 ha; 1985-2004 mean). Chesapeake Bay underwater grasses are comprised of a variety of freshwater, brackish, and marine species.

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Ecophysiology of the marine cyanobacterium, Lyngbya majuscula (Oscillatoriaceae) in Moreton Bay, Australia (Page 1)

Ecophysiology of the marine cyanobacterium, Lyngbya majuscula (Oscillatoriaceae) in Moreton Bay, Australia

Watkinson AJ, O'Neil JM, and Dennison WC ·

Large blooms of the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula in Moreton Bay, Australia (27 degrees 05'S, 153 degrees 08'E) have been re-occurring for several years. A bloom was studied in Deception Bay (Northern Moreton Bay) in detail over the period January-March 2000. In situ data loggers and field sampling characterised various environmental parameters before and during the L. majuscula bloom.

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Healthy Waterways, Healthy Catchments (Page 1)

Healthy Waterways, Healthy Catchments

Abal EG, Bunn SE and Dennison WC ·
1 January 2005

This book was the fourth in a series of publications in support of the Heathy Waterways campaign in Southeast Queensland, Australia. It synthesizes the scientific investigations focused on the catchments and waterways of the Southeast Queensland region. Chapters on the setting, habitats, sediments, nutrients, monitoring, modeling, harmful algal blooms integrate the various scientific studies occurring in the region.

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Influence of submarine springs and wastewater on nutrient dynamics of Caribbean seagrass meadows (Page 1)

Influence of submarine springs and wastewater on nutrient dynamics of Caribbean seagrass meadows

Carruthers TJB, van Tussenbroek BI, and Dennison WC ·

The east coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, consists of highly permeable limestone, such that surface flow and rivers are absent in this region. Extensive underground cave systems connect sink holes (cenotes) to submarine springs (ojos de aqua), which vent into the seagrass meadows of the adjacent oligotrophic coastal lagoons.

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Organochlorine and heavy metal concentrations in blubber and liver tissue collected from Queensland (Australia) dugong (Dugong dugon) (Page 1)

Organochlorine and heavy metal concentrations in blubber and liver tissue collected from Queensland (Australia) dugong (Dugong dugon)

Haynes D, Carter S, Gaus C, Muller J, and Dennison WC ·

Tissue samples of liver and blubber were salvaged from fifty-three dugong (Dugong dugon) carcasses stranded along the Queensland coast between 1996 and 2000. Liver tissue was analysed for a range of heavy metals and blubber samples were analysed for organochlorine compounds. Metal concentrations were similar in male and female animals and were generally highest in mature animals.

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Quantifying and evaluating ecosystem health: A case study from Moreton Bay, Australia (Page 1)

Quantifying and evaluating ecosystem health: A case study from Moreton Bay, Australia

Pantus FJ and Dennison WC ·

As part of the program monitoring the ecosystem health of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, we developed a means for assessing ecosystem health that allows quantitative evaluation and spatial representations of the assessments. The management objectives for achieving ecosystem health were grouped into ecosystem objectives, water quality objectives, and human health objectives.

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A water quality assessment of the Maryland Coastal Bays including nitrogen source identification using stable isotopes (Page 1)

A water quality assessment of the Maryland Coastal Bays including nitrogen source identification using stable isotopes

Jones AB, Carruthers TJ, Pantus F, Thomas JE, Saxby TA and Dennison, WC ·
2 November 2004

This data report details the results of an intensive sampling effort by the Integration and Application Network in the Maryland Coastal Bays. A spatially explicit Water Quality Index was developed from standard water quality analyses and a relatively new stable isotope technique.

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State of the Maryland Coastal Bays 2004 (Page 1)

State of the Maryland Coastal Bays 2004

Wazniak C, Hall M, Cain C, Wilson D, Jesien R, Thomas JE, Carruthers TJB and Dennison WC ·
16 August 2004

This report summarizes monitoring data collected over the past several years for water quality, aquatic living resources, and habitat categories. It utilizes conceptual diagrams for each reporting region to highlight the key ecosystem processes, biota and estuarine health problems.

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Where river meets sea: exploring Australia's estuaries

Turner L, Tracey D, Tilden J and Dennison WC ·
1 July 2004

This 288-page book utilizes conceptual diagrams (including symbols from the IAN symbol libraries) to describe the health, geography, science, management and ecological functions of Australia's 974 estuaries. Chapters on natural history, coastal science and management give an understanding of our vast network of pristine and heavily modified estuaries - from isolated tide-dominated estuaries in Australia's tropical north to those shaped by waves in southern, temperate waters.

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