Publications by Qian Zhang

IAN is committed to producing practical, user-centered communications that foster a better understanding of science and enable readers to pursue new opportunities in research, education, and environmental problem-solving. Our publications synthesize scientific findings using effective science communication techniques.

Adaptive monitoring for change: Record low hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay in 2023 (Page 1)

Adaptive monitoring for change: Record low hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay in 2023

Tango PJ, Zhang Q, Tian R, Murphy RR, Sullivan BM, Mallonee ME, Ghosh D, Goldfischer A, Gootman KS ·

Seasonal hypoxia (dissolved oxygen [DO] levels ≤ 2 mg/l) poses a severe threat to coastal ecosystems globally, including the largest estuary in the United States, the Chesapeake Bay. This V-shaped drowned river valley features shallow flanks, where the deepest waters experience persistently low DO levels typically initiated during the spring and ending in late summer or early autumn. Reports on low DO conditions in the Chesapeake Bay date back over a century.

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Dissolved oxygen criteria attainment in Chesapeake Bay: Where has it improved since 1985?

Zhang Q, Murphy RR, Tian R, Gootman KS, Tango PJ. ·

Many estuaries, including Chesapeake Bay, have suffered from undesirable conditions of algae blooms, poor water clarity, and low dissolved oxygen (DO). To better understand the status and trends of DO criteria attainment deficit (AD), we conducted a comprehensive assessment using monitoring data in the period of 1985–2022 and focused on the comparison of trends among 13 tidal systems.

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Controls on Oxygen Variability and Depletion in the Patuxent River Estuary (Page 1)

Controls on Oxygen Variability and Depletion in the Patuxent River Estuary

Dreiss A, Azarnivand AR, Hildebrand A, Ahmadi SFP, Ali SS, Lucchese VM, Zhang Q, Lapham LL, Woodland RJ, Harris L, Testa JM. ·

Oxygen depletion in coastal waters is increasing globally due primarily to eutrophication and warming. Hypoxia responses to nutrient loading and climate change have been extensively studied in large systems like the Chesapeake Bay and the Baltic Sea, while fewer studies have investigated smaller, shallower hypoxic zones.

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Evaluating water-quality trends in agricultural watersheds prioritized for management-practice implementation (Page 1)

Evaluating water-quality trends in agricultural watersheds prioritized for management-practice implementation

Webber J, Chanat J, Clune J, Devereux O, Hall N, Sabo RD, Zhang Q ·

Many agricultural watersheds rely on the voluntary use of management practices (MPs) to reduce nonpoint source nutrient and sediment loads; however, the water-quality effects of MPs are uncertain. We interpreted water-quality responses from as early as 1985 through 2020 in three agricultural Chesapeake Bay watersheds that were prioritized for MP implementation, namely, the Smith Creek (Virginia), Upper Chester River (Maryland), and Conewago Creek (Pennsylvania) watersheds.

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Legacy sediment as a potential source of orthophosphate: Preliminary conceptual and geochemical models for the Susquehanna River, Chesapeake Bay watershed, USA (Page 1)

Legacy sediment as a potential source of orthophosphate: Preliminary conceptual and geochemical models for the Susquehanna River, Chesapeake Bay watershed, USA

Cravotta III CA, Tasker TL, Smyntek PM, Blomquist JD, Clune JW, Zhang Q, Schmadel NM, Schmer NK ·

Nutrient pollution from agriculture and urban areas plus acid mine drainage (AMD) from legacy coal mines are primary causes of water-quality impairment in the Susquehanna River, which is the predominant source of freshwater and nutrients entering the Chesapeake Bay.

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Effects of point and nonpoint source controls on total phosphorus load trends across the Chesapeake Bay watershed, USA (Page 1)

Effects of point and nonpoint source controls on total phosphorus load trends across the Chesapeake Bay watershed, USA

Zhang Q, Bostic JT, Sabo RD ·

Reduction of total phosphorus (TP) loads has long been a management focus of Chesapeake Bay restoration, but riverine monitoring stations have shown mixed temporal trends. To better understand the regional patterns and drivers of TP trends across the Bay watershed, we compiled and analyzed TP load data from 90 Non-Tidal Network stations using clustering and random forest (RF) approaches.

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James Tributary Summary: A summary of trends in tidal water quality and associated factors, 1985-2021 (Page 1)

James Tributary Summary: A summary of trends in tidal water quality and associated factors, 1985-2021

Sullivan B, Gootman K, Gunnerson A, Johnson C, Mason C, Perry E, Bhatt G, Keisman J, Webber J, Harcum J, Lane M, Devereux O, Zhang Q, Murphy R, Karrh R, Butler T, Van Note V, Wei Z ·
3 November 2023

The James Tributary Summary outlines change over time for a suite of monitored tidal water quality parameters and associated potential drivers of those trends for the period 1985 – 2021 and provides a brief description of the current state of knowledge explaining these observed changes.

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