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    545 results for "report cards":

    • IAN at AGU
      ...sletters and videos created for the USGS: Climate Change Research Activities Synthesis Project and another displaying report cards and visualizations created in a collaborative effort with the WWF called Healthy Rivers for All . Read more in Yeseni...
    • History
      ...ncreased partner engagement, focusing on the facilitation of scientific syntheses and development of ecosystem health report cards using indicators derived from stakeholder workshops. IAN co-produced a wide variety of science communication products...
    • Rio Grande Resilient Basin Report Card
      ...e recommendations on climate-smart responses to address them. This two-year effort will deliver the benefits of basin report cards while underscoring the imperative of a climate-changed future and providing guidance for the way forward, by combinin...
    • Environmental report card production
      ...duce pollution. Maybe you should read our success stories, because that's just what we've achieved. Our environmental report cards synthesize data from scientists and volunteers and convert it into an image-rich format that is easily accessible to...
    • IAN releases its 3rd annual report card
      IAN releases its 3rd annual report card ... IAN received a grade of A- (90%) on its...annual report card in 2017. ... IAN recently completed IAN Repo...d made it available on IAN Press . The annual IAN report card is an annual summary of sorts, with th...
    • Now available - Coral reef status reports for the Pacific jurisdictions
      Now available - Coral reef status reports for the Pacific jurisdictions ... Guam coral ree...d engaged public. Read the five coral reef status reports to find out more! These coral status reports pro...
    • Report Cards promoted at the GEF International Waters Conference, Marrakech, Morocco
      Report Cards promoted at the GEF International Waters Conference, Marrakech, Morocco ... Heath Kelsey was invited to The Global En...
    • Old faces, new times at the International Riversymposium 2018
      ...scores in isolation, and then as a group, to demonstrate how broad stakeholder involvement improves the legitimacy of report cards and builds relationships. We were joined by two IAN alumni Ben Longstaff ( Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority...
    • IAN is offering a science communication course soon!
      ... soon! ... IAN's course titled "Healthy Rivers for All: setting the course for sustainability with river basin health report cards" will run 23 January 2019 to 27 March 2019. Check out the course details and sign up today!...
    • Blog highlights from June
      Blog highlights from June ... Visiting the Great Lakes to talk report cards and communication ideas Chesapeake Research and Modeling Symposium 2018 Seagrass recovery in Chesapeake Bay: A succes...
    • Chesapeake Bay receives a C in 2017!
      ...ison answers questions about Bay health after the Report Card release. ... The 2017 Chesapeake Bay Report...d the stories that were highlighted in this years report card. This year major stories included a 'statist...
    • Save the date for our next course on river basin health report cards!
      Save the date for our next course on river basin health report cards! ... Starting in January 2019, IAN staff will hold a course on how develop an ecohealth report card for river basins...
    • 8th World Water Forum
      ...artnership . WWF shared a booth at the exposition part of the conference, where various presentations were made about report cards. In addition, a session of the ' Get the Grade!' game was run during the conference. We also met some members of the...
    • IAN team gathers for 2017 IAN Report Card Re-vamp Workshop
      ...eport card will be drafted for staff to review at the next IAN Staff Retreat in May or June of 2018. You can view IAN Report Cards from 2015 and 2016 here ....
    • IAN receives Gold Star Partnership Award
      ...ting, IAN and MCBP released the 2016 Coastal Bays report card , with both hard copies and the updated Coas...tal Bays report card website . The grades were slightly improved...
    • IAN at RiverSymposium 2017
      ...ual RiverSymposium September 18-20 in Brisbane, Australia. In addition to talks given on advances in ecosystem health report cards, Heath Kelsey and Simon Costanzo hosted a special session to play " Get the Grade ," a game we developed through the...
    • IAN offers a new course for developing report card
      ...son will teach a course titled "Healthy Rivers for All: setting the course for sustainability with river basin health report cards" beginning 2 November 2017 and running through 25 January 2018. Participants will learn the complete process of repor...
    • IAN Strategic Plan released
      ...on IAN staff, evaluation, financial viability, and new directions. The IAN Strategic Plan is linked to the annual IAN report cards that we have instituted as a way to track our progress in achieving our goals....
    • IAN offers new course for developing report cards
      IAN offers new course for developing report cards ... Drs. Heath Kelsey, Simon Costanzo, and William Dennison will teach a course titled "Healthy Rivers for All: setti...
    • Practitioner's Guide to Developing Basin Report Cards
      Practitioner's Guide to Developing Basin Report Cards ... IAN and WWF came together to create this guide under the "Healthy Rivers for All" partnership. ... IAN, in partne...
    • Guanabara Bay gets D in first report card!
      Guanabara Bay gets D in first report card! ... Guanabara Bay: beautiful but polluted....... On July 21, 2017 the Guanabara Bay Report Card was released at the Museum of Tomorrow in Ri...il. Dave Nemazie and Alexandra Fries released the report card with...
    • Setting the course for sustainability with Ecosystem Health Report Cards course
      Setting the course for sustainability with Ecosystem Health Report Cards course ... Information density and synthesis pyramid developed to help explain potential ecohealth report card reach....
    • Yangtze River tributaries likely site for future report cards in China
      Yangtze River tributaries likely site for future report cards in China ... Project partners pause for a photo in front of Three Gorges Dam. ... In April, Simon Costanzo traveled t...
    • Chesapeake Bay receives a score of C in 2017
      ...ceived a C grade in the 2016 UMCES Chesapeake Bay Report Card , which was released May 8 along Baltimore's...ner Harbor. This is the 11th UMCES Chesapeake Bay Report Card. The score of 54% showed a slight improvemen...
    • Video & Blog Highlights
      ... and Application Network report card Co-development of the Belmont Forum synthesis document Evolving ecosystem health report cards to address issues of scale, acceptance, engagement, and behavior change...