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    165 results for "report cards":

    • Welcome 2024 Global Sustainability Scholars!
      ...ommunicate those efforts through a story map, and evaluate current policy to inform governance-related indicators for Report Cards. ... Lili Badri...
    • Southeast Michigan Report Cards Released!
      Southeast Michigan Report Cards Released! ... On April 16, IAN staff joined five watershed organizations in Detroit, Michigan for the release of the...
    • Coming soon: Southeast Michigan Report Cards
      Coming soon: Southeast Michigan Report Cards ... Mark your calendars for April 16th as we eagerly anticipate the debut of our Southeast Michigan Report Card serie...
    • Regional Stormwater Summit, Southeast Michigan
      ...tzer provided an update on the Southeast Michigan Report Card Project at the Regional Stormwater Summit in...
    • Brazilian Delegation Visits Maryland after 10 years
      ...aryland and the continuation of the Guanabara Bay Report Card . ... Alexandra Fries...
    • Healthy Rivers for All Partnership Retreat
      ...n Annapolis. This partnership seeks to assess and address water issues worldwide, and has developed many basin health report cards, most recently in the Upper Rio Grande. The most water-stressed regions of the world were identified and prioritized...
    • Second PACPATH workshop in Suva, Fiji
      ...llages and a reef that is home to breeding dolphins. The PACPATH project is continuing work on New Caledonia and Fiji report cards, coming soon! ... Annie Carew...
    • Farewell, Sky!
      ... USGS Chesapeake Bay Science Strategy, the Chesapeake Bay SAV Watchers program, the NPS Assateague Island videos, and report cards for the Chesapeake Bay and Mississippi River Watershed. Sky was a great, very talented colleague to work with. We wil...
    • 2022: a year in review
      ... IAN's core principles of effective science communication and stakeholder engagement were evident in all of our work. Report cards, workshops, and scicomm courses forged ahead, many the result of long-standing productive partnerships. Thank you all...
    • Welcome, Conor!
      ...a lead data analyst of stream conservation in the Western Lake Erie watershed. Conor joins IAN’s team to help produce report cards for the Clinton, Detroit, Huron, River Raisin, and Rouge Rivers and will work with Dr. Katie May Laumann on the NPS S...
    • Farewell, Lorena!
      ...Lorena Villanueva-Almanza. She worked with us on the 2021 Chesapeake Bay Report Card as well as the upcoming Michigan report cards and the ongoing LENS project . Lorena's positive attitude and task-oriented organization will be much-missed in our o...
    • Coral Reef Report Card workshop during the XI Mexican Coral Reef Congress and II PanAmerican Coral Reef Congress
      ... whole Gulf of Mexico. To highlight the work already done in the region, the workshop included short presentations of report cards developed in Mexico, the U.S., and Cuba. In 2021 in Mexico, Sea&Reef and local partners released a report card fo...
    • The Potomac River workshop was a success
      ...s on assessing the Potomac River Watershed through the lens of the COAST Card framework, which combines environmental report cards, social network analysis, and system dynamics modeling. The trip also consisted of meetings with scientists at the Ap...
    • The Chesapeake Bay & Watershed were in moderate condition in 2021
      .... Similarly, we are committed to better representing environmental justice in our annual Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Report Cards. In addition to the social vulnerability index, heat vulnerability index, and walkability indicators, this year’s rep...
    • 2021: a year in review
      ...ollaborate effectively with partners across the globe to assess and encourage respsonsible environmental stewardship. Report cards, newsletters, and workshops forged ahead, many the result of long-standing productive partnerships. Thank you to all...
    • Notable publications and projects from 2021
      ...Philippines, Norway, and India. COAST Card merges three tools: socio-ecological network analyses; socio-environmental report cards; and system dynamics models. This ongoing partnership made progress in 2021 with newsletters and meetings. ... Annie...
    • Farewell, Caroline!
      ...Caroline Donovan. Caroline has been with IAN since 2006 and has worked on a plethora of projects. Her experience with report cards, science communication, stakeholder engagement, and citizen science is invaluable. Caroline will be joining NOAA's Co...
    • Stakeholder engagement at CERF 2021
      ...eath Kelsey and Dr. Bill Dennsion facilitated a workshop entitled "Engaging Stakeholders to Co-Design Waterway Health Report Cards." Identifying waterway restoration and conservation goals that are acceptable to all sectors requires meaningful enga...
    • The Start of Socio-Environmental Report Cards for Southeast Michigan
      The Start of Socio-Environmental Report Cards for Southeast Michigan ... Three virtual workshop sessions for the development of socio-environmental report cards fo...
    • Welcome, Lorena!
      ... Botany One, a blog about plant research run by the Annals of Botany Company. Lorena joins IAN’s team to help produce report cards for the Clinton, Detroit, Huron, River Raisin, and Rouge Rivers and will work with Dr. Andrew Elmore to coordinate th...
    • COAST Card at the 24th International RiverSymposium
      ...posium ... Our COAST Card team virtually presented at the 24th International RiverSymposium , on topics including how report cards help inform environmental management, stakeholder engagement and environmental justice, and how to build better relat...
    • Farewell, Simon!
      ... ten years as a science integrator. Simon has worked a wide variety of projects, including the Kwando and Kafue River Report Cards, and the Darwin Harbour Report Card. One of Simon's future endeavors is continuing to work with IAN at DarwinIAN , an...
    • Updating the Texas Coast Report Card in workshops
      ...which will include economic and social as well as environmental indicators, is divided into several smaller, regional report cards. Each region represents one or several of the small coastal bays along the southern Texas Coast. Stakeholders from ea...
    • Now available: 2020 Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Report Card
      Now available: 2020 Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Report Card ... The 2020 Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Re... our partners and staff whose hard work made this report card possible. Visit ecoreportcard.org to view th...e full report card and learn more a...
    • Three IAN report cards received Hermes Creative Award
      Three IAN report cards received Hermes Creative Award ... "The Hermes award is an international awards competition of approximately 6,000 en...