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    589 results for "seagrass":

    • Gulf of Mexico Summit 2011
      ...zing that many more will be necessary. The two indicators are birds (represented by Brown Pelican in the prototype) and seagrass abundance. These two indicators were chosen because of their importance and for their recognition – both are wide...
    • Female lobster spawning migration
      ...ximate). ... diagram, lobster, spiny lobster, female, migration, spawning, fore reef, Western Sambo Ecological Reserve, seagrass, hardbottom, patch reefs, lobster den, movement, spur-and-groove, fringing reef, spawning site, Boca Chica Key ... Kris...
    • Lobster nighttime foraging
      .... Lobsters are most active at night, leaving their den to look for food. ... diagram, lobster, spiny lobster, home den, seagrass beds, nighttime, foraging, active, nocturnal ... Kris Beckert...
    • Spiny lobsters are key component of south Florida marine ecosystem
      ...edators and prey. ... diagram, spiny lobster, predator, prey, habitat, ecosystem, marine, coral reef, hardbottom, sand, seagrass, chiton, sea urchin, snail, hermit crab, nurse shark, southern stingray, sea turtle, triggerfish, octopus, humans, sout...
    • Seagrass life history strategies
      Seagrass life history strategies ... Conceptual diagram illustrating the different life history strategies of several seagrass species. ... diagram, seed bank, rhizome, biomass, flowering plant, seeds, Paddle grass, Halophila decipiens, Star gras...
    • Carbon fixation by seagrass communities
      Carbon fixation by seagrass communities ... Conceptual diagram illustrating how seagrass communities fix carbon from seawater using light energy from the sun and produce carbon sources that fuel the seagrass...
    • Change in seagrasses after bird stake installation
      Change in seagrasses after bird stake installation ... Conceptual diagram illustrating density and change in species of seagrasses in Florida Bay following long-term (left column) and short-term (right column) fertilization after the installation o...
    • Changes in seagrass in Johnson Key Basin
      Changes in seagrass in Johnson Key Basin ... Conceptual diagram illustrating changes in seagrasses in Johnson Key Basin, Western Florida Bay, and the relative coverage of seagrass species. ... diagram, Johnson Key Ba...
    • Florida Bay hydrological conditions
      ...zones in Florida Bay. ... diagram, hydrological, drainage alterations, freshwater, high salinity, marine, low salinity, seagrasses, Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, flow ... Kris Beckert...
    • Model explaining seagrass die-off in Florida Bay
      Model explaining seagrass die-off in Florida Bay ... Conceptual diagram illustrating the causes of seagrass die-off in Florida Bay. ... diagram, seagrasses, Florida Bay, Gulf of Mexico, mesocosm, stressors, asphyxiation, cascad...
    • Seagrass distribution
      Seagrass distribution ... Conceptual diagram illustrating the generalized distribution of seagrass species with depth. ... diagram, seagrass, depth, Widgeon grass, Ruppia maritima, Shoal grass, Halodule wrightii, Turtl...
    • Seagrass nutrient transport
      Seagrass nutrient transport ... Conceptual diagram illustrating differences in nutrient transport between benthic algae and seag...
    • Bird stake installation
      ...installation ... Conceptual diagram illustrating a stake with an attached roosting block placed in an area with damaged seagrasses. Roosting birds defecate into the water adding nutrients that stimulate seagrass growth and recovery across the damag...
    • Nutrient availability influences algae and seagrass location
      Nutrient availability influences algae and seagrass location ... Conceptual diagram illustrating how nutrient availability, which decreases as you move further offshore, d...
    • Primary productivity of seagrass beds
      Primary productivity of seagrass beds ... Conceptual diagram illustrating primary productivity within seagrass beds. ... diagram, seagrass, primary producers, shoots, leaves, aboveground, belowground, roots, rhizomes, epiphytes, b...
    • Seagrass meadow food web
      Seagrass meadow food web ... Conceptual diagram illustrating the complex food web that a South Florida seagrass meadow supports. ... diagram, food web, seagrass, meadow, South Florida, epiphyte, detritus, microalgal, primary produc...
    • Phytoplankton bloom feedback loops
      ...nts. ... diagram, water quality, water column stratification, nutrient loadings, runoff, hurricanes, light penetration, seagrasses, submerged aquatic vegetation, SAV, sponge, filter, low dissolved oxygen, DO, sulfide toxicity, sediments, nitrogen,...
    • Simplified seagrass food web
      Simplified seagrass food web ... Conceptual diagram illustrating a simplified seagrass food web showing several commercially important consumers. ... diagram, seagrass, food web, secondary, primary, consume...
    • Healthy vs. eutrophic ecosystem
      ...ng the contributing factors toward a healthy and eutrophic ecosystem. ... diagram, illustration, ecosystem, phosphorus, seagrass, macroalgae, oxygen, rainwater, development, management, degradation ... Kris Beckert...
    • Human energy pyramid
      ...yramid on land and sea. ... diagram, illustration, energy, land, sea, consumer, producer, cow, sheep, food, rice, corn, seagrass ... Jane Hawkey...
    • South Florida adult habitat gradient
      ...er among habitat types. ... diagram, illustration, habitat, schematic, miami, biscayne, bay, marine, habitat, mangrove, seagrass, reef, ... Kris Beckert...
    • A vision for the Gulf of Mexico Report Card
      ... policy-makers, stakeholders, scientists, and, most importantly, the general public. The vision document uses birds and seagrass ecosystems as prototypes for two components of the report card. The Report Card prototype was unveiled on December 7 at...
    • Diagram showing threats to the seagrasses and birds in the Gulf of Mexico
      Diagram showing threats to the seagrasses and birds in the Gulf of Mexico ... Diagram showing threats to the seagrasses and birds in the Gulf of Mexico. ... diagram, Gulf of Mexico, birds, seagrasses, development, agriculture, water qual...
    • Tim Carruthers moves to Samoa
      ...ntributed in virtually every aspect of IAN. Another contribution that Tim made was the formation and development of the Seagrass Trajectories working group , as part of the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis. Tim was a key member...
    • Monitoring Activities to Track Changing Habitats on Barrier Island
      ...sateague Island to track changing habitats. Monitoring activities - which are habitat specific - include water quality, seagrass area, salt marsh nekton survey, surface elevation table, plover nests and fledgling success, upland elevation change, s...