Horn Point Open House

Emily Nastase ·
31 October 2017
Science Communication | 


Twas Saturday morning, at Horn Point Lab Open House,

Many creatures were stirring: scientists, children, and spouses.

Posters were hung throughout the entire laboratory,

In hopes that visitors would listen to our stories!

The Horn Point Lab researchers created a unique alliance,

With activities, displays, games, and compelling science.

Our mission, as the Integration and Application Network,

Was to lay for the public a science communication framework.

With a yellow cape, blue shield, and super hero mask,

We prepped our interviews; a daunting task!

These Bay Heroes will tell us how they save the bay,

And battle bay villains, through skirmish and fray!

Heroes suited up and jumped into the scene,

They gave meticulous tales of their feats on screen.

James Currie films a child at the Horn Point Lab Open House.
James Currie films a child at the Horn Point Lab Open House.

A child dresses up in the sturgeon superhero costume.
A child dresses up in the sturgeon superhero costume.


By golly, these kids did the interviews some justice,

With all the colorful stories and tales they encompassed.

Copepods look funny, but they eat harmful algae,

They also reduce numbers of mosquito larvae!

Diatoms are tiny and cute, but not to be underestimated,

They reduce nutrients in the bay that are highly concentrated!

Sturgeon, with their ancient and boney appearance,

Need clean waters, resilience, and perseverance!

Oysters are recognizable heroes in the water,

They create habitat and clean water for the species they fodder!

Saltmarsh rise triumphantly from murky marshy habitat,

They strengthen our shorelines and reduce sea level rise impact!

Each of these Bay Heroes does good and deserves our respect,

And should be acknowledged by the basin they protect.

The copepod superhero.
The copepod superhero.

The diatom superhero.
The diatom superhero.


The day was a success! Exhausting, but worthwhile,

But all of our Bay Heroes left the event with a smile!

While we’re glad that all visitors had fun and got free things,

Let’s not forget the opportunities this event brings!

As scientists, researchers, professors, and students,

We should be sharing our data with which we are fluent.

It’s our duty to enlighten the community of our situation,

And garner in them at least a small appreciation,

For the ever-changing world that we live in today,

Particularly in places we all call home – like the bay.

All in all, despite the chaos and scramble, we had fun,

And we should be proud of all the work we have done!

As it came to a close, we all agreed this was a day not to forget,

But soon we’ll have to start planning next year’s HPL Open House event!

Heath Kelsey and Emily Nastase in their superhero masks and capes. Image credit Heath Kelsey
Heath Kelsey and Emily Nastase in their superhero masks and capes. Image credit Heath Kelsey

The sturgeon superhero.
The sturgeon superhero.

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