Our next book on coastal ecosystem assessment

Jane Thomas ·
24 July 2009
Science Communication |     4 comments

We have all been working hard this week trying to finish up our next book, entitled "Integrating and Applying Science: A handbook for effective coastal ecosystem assessment."

Here's a little sneak peek at the book. We have structured it around the information in this triangle:

Coastal assessment triangle

It covers collecting and analyzing scientific data, through to integrating that into information and knowledge, and how to apply that knowledge to change society and solve environmental problems.

Here are the PDFs of the section introduction pages. Please click on the image to load the PDF file.

Section 1: Community engagement

Section 2: Community knowledge

Section 3: Environmental information

Section 4: Environmental data collection

We'll let you know when it's published!

Next Post > The Battlefields


  • Chris Sommerfield 15 years ago

    This book looks like something I could use for an undergraduate course at University of Delaware. Are pre-prints available for inspection?
    -Chris Sommerfield
    Associate Professor of Oceanography

  • Jane Thomas 15 years ago

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for your comment. Once the book is published and available on our website, you will be able to "look inside" (similar to Amazon's feature) at some of the content.

    You can subscribe to our news feed by clicking the "Subscribe" link in the blue bar at the top of the page - we will send out an email once the book is published and available for purchase.

    I hope this helps.


  • Adrian Jones 14 years ago

    Just wanted to let everyone know that this book is now available in print and electronic versions via IAN Press:

  • Atika 6 months ago

    Thank you for sharing this great information with us, i really appreciate your post!

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