New IAN Seminar Series launched

The IAN seminar series has been revamped to include concise, thought-provoking, ~15-minute lectures on Chesapeake Bay science and management. Lecture media will be posted online in three formats: video clips, audio podcast, and PDF of the slides. Seminars occur the last Thursday of each month, following the Scientific Technical Analysis and Reporting (S.T.A.R.) meeting in conjunction with the
Chesapeake Bay Program.
Bill Dennison presented the first lecture, entitled "
Chesapeake Bay health: What causes positive and negative trajectories?" in January. The February seminar was given by
Sara Powell, who presented "
Getting out of the lake and into the watershed: A study of volunteer monitoring efforts, water quality, and community outreach". The most recent lecture in the series featured
Walter Boynton, who discussed
Corsica River estuary restoration. After each seminar, we summarize the discussion on the
IAN blog and invite others to contribute to the dialog.