Conceptual diagram illustrating the long term restoration goals in the Chesapeake Bay, USA.

Chesapeake Bay restoration goals

Conceptual diagram illustrating the long term restoration goals in the Chesapeake Bay, USA.

diagram restoration goal algae bloom nutrient sediment nitrogen phosphorus plan chesapeake bay management

Author(s)Jane Thomas
Author CompanyIntegration and Application Network
Date Created2008-01-01
AlbumHuman > Management/Restoration
PublicationDefending our National Treasure: A Department of Defense Chesapeake Bay Restoration Partnership 1998-2004
Project(s)Defending our National Treasure
Dimensions1000 x 769
Filesize374.8 kB
Number of Downloads341
Filetype(s) PNG
LicenseAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Required AttributionJane Thomas, Integration and Application Network (