Conceptual diagram illustrating the impact of the phytoplankton community on the aquatic ecosystem.

Impact of phytoplankton community on food web structure

Conceptual diagram illustrating the impact of the phytoplankton community on the aquatic ecosystem.

diagram phytoplankton primary producers planktonic food web microzooplankton mesozooplankton protozoans diatoms cyanobacteria bacterioplankton fish detritus diversity ameboids ciliates flagellates gammaproteobacteria alphaproteobacteria

Author(s)Kris Beckert
Author CompanyIntegration and Application Network
Date Created2012-01-01
AlbumEcosystems > Coastal/Marine
PublicationTropical Connections: South Florida's marine environment
Project(s)South Florida Ecosystem Synthesis
Dimensions1000 x 666
Filesize306.8 kB
Number of Downloads531
Filetype(s) PNG
LicenseAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Required AttributionKris Beckert, Integration and Application Network (