Conceptual diagram illustrating the differences between surfaces that allow groundwater flow, and surfaces that restrict it, and how each affects groundwater quality.

Pervious vs. impervious surfaces

Conceptual diagram illustrating the differences between surfaces that allow groundwater flow, and surfaces that restrict it, and how each affects groundwater quality.

diagram environment human community development infrastructure water quality roofing green roof runoff groundwater

Author(s)Jane Thomas
Author CompanyIntegration and Application Network
Date Created2009-01-01
AlbumHuman > Development/Infrastructure
PublicationShifting Sands: Environmental and cultural change in Maryland's Coastal Bays
Project(s)Maryland Coastal Bays Science Communication Products and Report Cards
Dimensions827 x 482
Filesize199.1 kB
Number of Downloads468
Filetype(s) PNG
LicenseAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Required AttributionJane Thomas, Integration and Application Network (