Ecosystem Research and Coastal Management

Ecosystem Research and Coastal Management

Coastal management in the U.S. is in transition toward a stronger, ecosystem-based approach implemented at the regional scale and supported by strong scientific synthesis and prediction. The division of ecosystem components among different agencies, scientific disciplines, and political boundaries, as well as the complexities of conducting Regional Ecosystem Research (RER) make effective ecosystem management very challenging. NOAA's Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Science convened a best practices workshop of approximately 50 national leaders in coastal research, management, and policy to identify the key elements of an effective RER program and policy actions to enhance future RER efforts. The results from this workshop and follow up interviews is summarized in this report.


Key Personnel

Caroline Donovan
Program Manager
Bill Dennison
UMCES Interim President
Bill Nuttle
Environmental Consultant


  • Start: 2008-10-29
  • Finish: 2009-09-30
  • Duration: 11 months