Global trajectories of seagrasses

2006-02-01 — 2008-01-31

A global assessment of seagrass gains and losses will be used to develop ecological forecasts. Includes constructing a global database of seagrass distributional changes, testing the perception that a contemporary crisis in seagrass ecosystems is occurring due to coastal human population pressures.

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Defending our National Treasure

2006-01-01 — 2007-06-30

As one of the largest Federal landholders in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, the Department of Defense's efforts towards the Chesapeake’s restoration and protection have exemplified the positive effects of interagency cooperation. This report provides a synthesis of the role the Department of Defense (DoD) has played in the Bay restoration effort.

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National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment

2006-01-01 — 2007-06-30

To assess the eutrophic conditions for 141 U.S. estuaries based on data and information provided by scientists and experts from around the country. IAN developed an interactive website to collect data and produce automated summaries of eutrophication status as well as print ready graphics for the final report. Report production was a collaborative effort between Suzanne Bricker (NOAA NCCOS), EcoCheck (NOAA-UMCES Partnership) and IAN.

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National Capital Region science communication products

2005-07-01 — 2009-06-30

The National Capital Region Network (NCRN) of the National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) program has identified 22 indicators of ecological condition within the National Capital Region (NCR), which are commonly called "vital signs". The NCRN is currently in the process of implementing vital signs monitoring within 11 NCR parks.

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Louisiana Sea Level Rise

2005-06-01 — 2006-01-01

Coastal Louisiana is home to the nation’s largest port complex in both tonnage and infrastructure, and produces or transports nearly one-third of the nation’s oil and gas supply. In addition, the coastal Louisiana ecosystem provides nationally-important fish and wildlife habitat that supports the nation’s second-largest commercial fishery and over $1 billion per year in recreational fishing and hunting revenues.

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Chesapeake Bay SAV restoration

2005-01-01 — 2005-07-31

Chesapeake Bay has historically supported extensive bay grass (underwater grasses) meadows (>75,000 ha). However, water quality degradation from increased sediment and nutrient inputs has reduced the areal coverage and depth penetration of bay grasses, with one third of historical distributions remaining (21,648 ha; 1985-2004 mean). Chesapeake Bay underwater grasses are comprised of a variety of freshwater, brackish, and marine species.

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IAN Science Communication Courses

2005-01-01 —

A keystone of the Integration and Application Network is effectively communicating science to a broad audience. This one- to three-day course provides participants with a science communication toolbox for effectively communicating their data.

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IAN Symbol Libraries

2002-11-01 —

The free downloadable symbol libraries provide users with symbols crafted by IAN science communicators for use in constructing conceptual diagrams. This project involves creating news symbols and getting them uploaded to our searchable media library.

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Production of an Ecosystem Based Management Game

2002-09-09 — 2008-10-23

In collaboration with SeaWeb, IAN staff designed and produced the interactive board game "TRADE-OFF!" that explores stakeholder perspectives in ecosystem-based management. In the game, players assume stakeholders' roles and negotiate the placement of different human activities in a natural environment.

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Maryland Coastal Bays Science Communication Products and Report Cards

2002-07-01 —

Maryland's Coastal Bays, the shallow lagoons nestled behind Ocean City and Assateague, comprise a complex ecosystem. These estuarine bays, at the interface between fresh and saltwater, provide habitat for a wide range of aquatic life. But like many coastal systems, they face threats from intense development, nutrients, sediments, and other stresses associated with human activities.

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