Coastal Bays health is defined as the progress of four water quality indicators (nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen) and two biotic indicators (seagrass, hard clam) toward scientifically derived ecological thresholds or goals. The Coastal Bays had an overall score of C+, a slight improvement from the previous year. Improved total phosphorus scores contributed to the slightly higher overall health of the bays. Seagrass scores ranged from poor or very poor throughout the entire Coastal Bays. This assessment represents the status of water quality and seagrasses in 2021 and hard clams in 2019.
Dave Brinker, Bill Dennison, Steve Farr, Steve Doctor, Roman Jesien, Katherine Munson, Judy O’Neil, Kevin Smith, Mitch Tarnowski, Catherine Wazniak, Jeff White, Craig Wheedon, and Rich Mason