Healthy Rivers for All (Page 1)  
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Healthy Rivers for All

The world’s waters are threatened by a host of problems. Impacts from human activities like development and overuse are exacerbated by changes in climate, and increased competition by different societal interests, putting vulnerable communities and ecosystems at risk. Creating a sustainable balance of water needs for both nature and people is challenging. It will require people that are competing for water resources to work together in new collaborations and partnerships. Forming these partnerships and empowering them to make change is essential. Healthy Rivers for All has refined a process to help form these collaborations in river basins around the world. The facilitated approach helps communities create a common understanding of the basin’s health, foster a shared vision, and track progress in achieving goals. Healthy Rivers for All is a partnership of the World Wildlife Fund and the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science.


IAN Author(s)Brianne Walsh, Alexandra Fries, Simon Costanzo, Heath Kelsey, Bill Dennison
Date Published2018-09-07
ProjectHealthy Rivers For All
Number of Pages2
Filesize1.8 MB
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