Helping your woodland adapt to a changing climate (Page 1)  
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Helping your woodland adapt to a changing climate

Your woods are always changing and adapting as they grow and mature, or regrow after a disturbance. Events like storms, droughts, insect and disease outbreaks, or other stressors can damage trees or slow their growth. A changing climate may make your woods more susceptible to the problems these events can cause. Within the last 100 years Maryland has experienced changes in temperature, coastal sea level rise, and rainfall patterns that can have future environmental and economic impacts on woodlands. This newsletter summarizes the steps to take when caring for your forest while helping it adapt to a changing climate. For more information, read the full report.


IAN Author(s)Marcus Griswold, Caroline Donovan, Dave Nemazie, Jane Hawkey
Date Published2013-10-14
ProjectCoordination support for adapting to climate change
Number of Pages2
Filesize1.1 MB
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