Living with the Sea: Local efforts buffer effects of global change (Page 1)  
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Living with the Sea: Local efforts buffer effects of global change

Establishment of marine managed areas (MMAs) is a long-term investment in secure and sustainable ecosystems—secure for the people that depend on them for sustenance and livelihoods, sustainable in terms of the long-term persistence of habitats and species present. The goal of MMAs is to operate over timescales of multiple generations and deliver returns of increased diversity and abundance of native organisms and ecosystem resilience, as the expected return of ecosystem health and robustness can take decades. Living with the Sea examines the role of marine managed areas in restoring and sustaining healthy oceans, particularly the importance of local management efforts.


IAN Author(s)Jane Thomas, Tim Carruthers, Bill Dennison, Kate Bentsen
Date Published2010-09-17
ProjectConservation International: Science communication products
Number of Pages20
Filesize13.0 MB
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