Measuring effectiveness of Best Management Practices (Page 1)  
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Measuring effectiveness of Best Management Practices

The Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund was created in 2007 in an effort to reduce nutrient and sediment pollution to these bays. The Trust Fund has focused its financial resources on the implementation of effective non-point source pollution control projects using best management practices (BMPs) in high priority watersheds. Examples of projects supported by the Trust Fund include stream channel restorations, stormwater retrofits, and cover crops. Evaluating BMP effectiveness is necessary for demonstrating whether projects actually reduce pollutant yields. The current monitoring strategy indicates that BMPs implemented in Trust Fund projects must demonstrate a water quality response within three years of completion. This document provides an overview of the challenges facing Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays and provides guidance to potential and current Trust Fund recipients in determining suitable approaches for measuring BMP effectiveness.


IAN Author(s)Simon Costanzo, Bill Dennison, Alexandra Fries
Date Published2012-10-22
Trust Fund Evaluation
Location(s)Chesapeake Bay
Maryland Coastal Bays
Number of Pages12
Filesize11.9 MB
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