Publications by Bill Dennison

IAN is committed to producing practical, user-centered communications that foster a better understanding of science and enable readers to pursue new opportunities in research, education, and environmental problem-solving. Our publications synthesize scientific findings using effective science communication techniques.

Linking Monie Bay watershed land use to nitrogen stable isotopes in tissues of the native eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Page 1)

Linking Monie Bay watershed land use to nitrogen stable isotopes in tissues of the native eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica

Fertig BM, Carruthers TJB and Dennison WC ·
24 August 2007

To develop the native eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, as a biological indicator of nitrogen source, linkages between stable nitrogen isotopes in its tissues and land use adjacent to deployment stations were assessed. As part of a National Estuarine Research Reserve System Graduate Research Fellowship, this study focused on the Monie Bay component of Chesapeake Bay, MD Research Reserve, which includes Monie Bay and three similar tributary creeks which vary in their surrounding land use.

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Protecting Palau's natural heritage

Bill Dennison, Ben Longstaff, Jane Thomas ·
6 August 2007

The Republic of Palau, an island nation in the tropical western Pacific Ocean, harbors diverse mangrove, seagrass, and coral communities. Palau is at a crossroads due to improved access to, and development of, its largest island, Babeldaob. This is leading to increased sediment runoff, particularly in the Ngerikiil River/Airai Bay watershed, the most developed region of Babeldaob Island.

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Effects of nutrient enrichment in the Nation's estuaries: A decade of change

Bricker S, Longstaff BJ, Dennison WC, Jones AB, Boicourt K, Wicks EC and Woerner JL ·
31 July 2007

This report provides an assessment of eutrophic conditions for 141 U.S. estuaries. The report was based on data and information provided by scientists and experts from around the country. Results from the assessment show that two-thirds of the estuaries evaluated exhibited moderate to high levels of eutrophication. Report production was a collaborative effort between Suzanne Bricker (NOAA NCCOS), EcoCheck (NOAA-UMCES Partnership) and IAN. More information is available from the NEEA website.

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Morro Bay: working together for a healthy ecosystem (Page 1)

Morro Bay: working together for a healthy ecosystem

Bill Dennison, Jane Hawkey ·
21 May 2007

Morro Bay, on the central California coast, was the site of a workshop to develop a conceptual framework for an ecosystem-based management initiative. IAN staff worked with Morro Bay scientists, resource managers, and stakeholders to develop conceptual diagrams for Morro Bay, offshore Estero Bay and the Morro Bay watershed. These diagrams examined key features, threats, and management objectives of the Morro Bay ecosystem.

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Morro Bay: working together for a healthy ecosystem (Page 1)

Morro Bay: working together for a healthy ecosystem

Bill Dennison, Jane Hawkey ·
21 May 2007

Morro Bay, on the central California coast, was the site of a workshop to develop a conceptual framework for an ecosystem-based management initiative. IAN staff worked with Morro Bay scientists, resource managers, and stakeholders to develop conceptual diagrams for Morro Bay, offshore Estero Bay and the Morro Bay watershed. These diagrams examined key features, threats, and management objectives of the Morro Bay ecosystem.

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Measuring the Health of our National Parks: Rock Creek Park (Page 1)

Measuring the Health of our National Parks: Rock Creek Park

Lisa Florkowski, Tim Carruthers, Bill Dennison ·
1 May 2007

The Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) Program has subdivided the 270 National Park units with significant natural resources into 32 Networks. All of the parks within a Network share similar natural resource challenges. The purpose of these Networks is to conduct long-term resource monitoring. The National Capital Region Netwok (NCRN) consists of 11 parks within Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

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Calculating the 2006 Chesapeake Bay report card scores (Page 1)

Calculating the 2006 Chesapeake Bay report card scores

Caroline Donovan, Ben Longstaff, Bill Dennison ·
18 April 2007

Ecosystem health report cards are an effective means of tracking and reporting the health of a waterway at both local and regional scales. A report card is being developed within the Chesapeake Bay science and management community in order to provide a transparent, timely, and geographically detailed annual assessment of Chesapeake Bay habitat health. This newsletter summarizes the methods and data used to calculate the report card scores for 2006.

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Chesapeake Bay Habitat Health Report Card: 2006 (Page 1)

Chesapeake Bay Habitat Health Report Card: 2006

Ben Longstaff, Michael Williams, Caroline Donovan, Bill Dennison ·
18 April 2007

This report card provides a transparent, timely, and geographically detailed annual assessment of 2006 Chesapeake Bay habitat health. A report card will be released each year, in early to mid April, providing an assessment of the previous year’s habitat health. 2006 is the first year that the report card has been released. This report card rates 15 reporting regions of the Bay using six indicators that are combined into a single overarching index of habitat health.

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Biological indicators enhance water quality monitoring in Maryland's Coastal Bays

Ben Fertig, Tim Carruthers, Bill Dennison ·
2 March 2007

Nutrient point sources such as wastewater treatment plants and non-point sources including agricultural runoff degrade the water quality of Maryland's Coastal Bays through excessive nutrient loading. Identifying specific sources is difficult due to their variety and mixture. Biological indicators can identify nitrogen sources, integrate nitrogen from these sources over time, and detect biologically important nutrients.

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