Publications by Heath Kelsey

IAN is committed to producing practical, user-centered communications that foster a better understanding of science and enable readers to pursue new opportunities in research, education, and environmental problem-solving. Our publications synthesize scientific findings using effective science communication techniques.

Southeast Michigan Report Card (Page 1)

Southeast Michigan Report Card

Heath Kelsey, Alexandra Fries, Conor Keitzer, Annie Carew, Ann Foo, Nathan Miller, Joe Edgerton, Anikka Fife ·
16 April 2024

Watershed report cards are powerful tools to describe ecosystem status, increase public awareness, and inform and influence decision makers to improve the health of a watershed. This is the first Southeast Michigan Report Card, which provides an overall socio-environmental assessment of Southeast Michigan based on the combined scores from six river watersheds: Clinton, Detroit, Huron, River Raisin, and Rouge.

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Sandifer et al. 2023. Observing and monitoring the ocean (Page 1)

Sandifer et al. 2023. Observing and monitoring the ocean

Sandifera PA, Brooksb BW, Canonicoc G, Chassignetd EP, Kirkpatricke B, Porterf DE, Schwackeg LH, Geoffrey SI, and Kelsey RH ·

From time immemorial, humankind has looked to the ocean for food and other useful products, for warnings of impending danger (e.g., storms and invaders), for inspi- ration, wonder, and beauty, and as a broad avenue for exploration, adventure, and commerce (see Chapters 1 and 3). Today, we watch the ocean more closely and care- fully than ever before. Globally, the ocean and its coasts affect human health and well-being in many ways, some positive, others negative (Sandifer et al., 2021a).

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The Role of Understanding, Trust, and Access in Public Engagement with Environmental Activities and Decision Making: A Qualitative Study with Water Quality Practitioners (Page 1)

The Role of Understanding, Trust, and Access in Public Engagement with Environmental Activities and Decision Making: A Qualitative Study with Water Quality Practitioners

Altman K, Yelton B, Porter DE, Kelsey RH, Friedman DB ·

Advancing environmental health literacy in support of environmental management requires inclusive science communication, especially with environmental justice communities. In order to understand experiences of environmental practitioners in the realm of science communication, the Center for Oceans and Human Health and Climate Change Interactions at the University of South Carolina conducted two studies on science communication and research translation with the center’s researchers and partners.

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Socio-ecological analysis of the eutrophication in Chesapeake Bay, USA (Page 1)

Socio-ecological analysis of the eutrophication in Chesapeake Bay, USA

Ollivier MEL, Newton A, Kelsey RH ·

This study is a social-ecological analysis of eutrophication in the Chesapeake Bay, United States of America (USA). It uses an expanded DPSIR framework (Drivers/Pressures/State/ Impacts/Responses) methodology to analyze the issue. In addition, a typology of the social actors and stakeholders in the socio-economic part of the system is identified.

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Guía práctica para la elaboración de reportes de salud de cuencas (Page 1)

Guía práctica para la elaboración de reportes de salud de cuencas

Costanzo S, Blancard C, Davidson S, Dennison W, Escurra J, Freeman S, Fries A, Krchnak K, Sherman J, Thieme M, Vargas-Nguyen V ·
20 July 2023

Desarrollada en colaboración con World Wildlife Fund (WWF) como parte de la iniciativa Healthy Rivers for All, la Guía del profesional para desarrollar boletas de calificaciones de cuencas es una referencia y un recurso para el usuario:

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2022 Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Report Card (Page 1)

2022 Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Report Card

Vanessa Vargas-Nguyen, Alexandra Fries, Joe Edgerton, Bill Dennison, Sidney Anderson, Lili Badri, Veronica Lucchese, Katie May Laumann, Heath Kelsey ·
6 June 2023

This report card provides a transparent, timely, and geographically detailed assessment of Chesapeake Bay and its Watershed. Since 2016, UMCES has engaged stakeholders throughout the watershed to transform the report card into an evaluation of the Chesapeake Watershed health. Watershed health includes traditional ecological indicators, but also economic and societal indicators. This is the fourth year the watershed has been scored, and one new ecological indicator has been added.

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Rogue River Basin Report Card (Page 1)

Rogue River Basin Report Card

Rogue River Watershed Council, The Carpenter Foundation ·
10 May 2023

The first-ever Rogue River Basin Report Card … More than 7,000 years ago, the volcanic explosion of Mount Mazama in what is now southwestern Oregon led to the formation of Crater Lake. In present day, Boundary Springs bubbles out from the caldera of Crater Lake National Park, and it is here we can find the origin of one of Oregon’s major rivers, the Rogue River.

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