Publications by Sidney Anderson

IAN is committed to producing practical, user-centered communications that foster a better understanding of science and enable readers to pursue new opportunities in research, education, and environmental problem-solving. Our publications synthesize scientific findings using effective science communication techniques.

2022 Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Report Card (Page 1)

2022 Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Report Card

Vanessa Vargas-Nguyen, Alexandra Fries, Joe Edgerton, Bill Dennison, Sidney Anderson, Lili Badri, Veronica Lucchese, Katie May Laumann, Heath Kelsey ·
6 June 2023

This report card provides a transparent, timely, and geographically detailed assessment of Chesapeake Bay and its Watershed. Since 2016, UMCES has engaged stakeholders throughout the watershed to transform the report card into an evaluation of the Chesapeake Watershed health. Watershed health includes traditional ecological indicators, but also economic and societal indicators. This is the fourth year the watershed has been scored, and one new ecological indicator has been added.

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2022 Potomac River and Watershed Report Card (Page 1)

2022 Potomac River and Watershed Report Card

Vanessa Vargas-Nguyen, Bill Dennison, Lili Badri, Sidney Anderson, Joe Edgerton ·
6 June 2023

The first-ever Potomac River and Watershed Report Card was released in tandem with the 2022 Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Report Card this year. Every year, the Chesapeake Bay and Watershed are graded on a variety of ecological, social, and economic indicators. For 2022, the COAST Card Project took a closer look at the Potomac Watershed, a sub-watershed of the Chesapeake, to help inform decision-making in more focused areas throughout the watershed.

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Middle Potomac Listening Session (Page 1)

Middle Potomac Listening Session

Advancing the Coastal Ocean Assessment for Sustainability and Transformation Project in the Chesapeake Bay

Vanessa Vargas-Nguyen, Sidney Anderson, Lili Badri, and Bill Dennison ·
15 December 2022

IAN Staff and the visiting Global Sustainability Scholars hosted a Middle Potomac Listening Session in July 2022 to begin developing the upcoming Potomac Watershed COAST Card.

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2021 Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card (Page 1)

2021 Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card

Dave Brinker, Bill Dennison, Steve Farr, Steve Doctor, Roman Jesien, Katherine Munson, Judy O’Neil, Kevin Smith, Mitch Tarnowski, Catherine Wazniak, Jeff White, Craig Wheedon, and Rich Mason ·
14 November 2022

Coastal Bays health is defined as the progress of four water quality indicators (nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen) and two biotic indicators (seagrass, hard clam) toward scientifically derived ecological thresholds or goals. The Coastal Bays had an overall score of C+, a slight improvement from the previous year. Improved total phosphorus scores contributed to the slightly higher overall health of the bays.

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Building Resilience in the Maryland Coastal Bays (Page 1)

Building Resilience in the Maryland Coastal Bays

2022 State of the Bays

Dave Brinker, Bill Dennison, Steve Farr, Steve Doctor, Roman Jesien, Katherine Munson, Judy O’Neil, Kevin Smith, Mitch Tarnowski, Catherine Wazniak, Jeff White, Craig Wheedon, and Rich Mason ·
14 November 2022

Reporting on the State of the Maryland Coastal Bays is an opportunity to step back and reflect on the status and trends of key environmental features in this iconic region. The theme of this State of the Coastal Bays is building ecological resilience in the region. This focus on resilience is due to the convergence of several factors:

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Building Resilience in the Maryland Coastal Bays Storymap

2022 State of the Bays

Dave Brinker, Bill Dennison, Steve Farr, Steve Doctor, Roman Jesien, Katherine Munson, Judy O’Neil, Kevin Smith, Mitch Tarnowski, Catherine Wazniak, Jeff White, Craig Wheedon, and Rich Mason ·
14 November 2022

Every five years, The Maryland Coastal Bays Program publishes its State of the Bays Report, accompanied by the annual Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card. The theme of the 2022 State of the Coastal Bays is building ecological resilience in the region. This focus on resilience is due to the convergence of several factors:

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