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    13 results for "SAV SYN":

    • IAN as a Boundary Organization
      ...takeholders. IAN will convene academia researchers in projects like the recent Submerged Aquatic Vegetation synthesis ( SAV SYN ). IAN works with a variety of practitioners such as federal agencies like the National Park Service and U.S. Geologica...
    • Association for Science of Limnology and Oceanography in San Juan, Puerto Rico
      ... Chesapeake Bay research and management”. I told the story of our Submerged Aquatic Vegetation synthesis effort ( SAV SYN ) in Chesapeake Bay, which was timely in that less than 24 hours before my talk, we learned that our paper in the Proce...
    • Rich Batiuk’s retirement from the Chesapeake Bay Program
      ...tiuk and Sarah Batiuk Wang. Image credit Bill Dennison. Bob and I produced a powerpoint presentation reviewing multiple SAV synthesis efforts with Rich. We highlighted the role that donuts played in the SAV synthesis efforts with Rich. Rich would...
    • Seagrass recovery in Chesapeake Bay: A success for Chesapeake Bay research and restoration
      ... panel moderator and JJ, Jon, Cassie and I jointly presented the results of our Submerged Aquatic Vegetation synthesis (SAV SYN) team. SAV panel being introduced by Larry Sanford. Left to right: Jon Lefcheck, Cassie Gurbisz, Bill Dennison, Bob Ort...
    • Atlantic Estuarine Research Society 70th anniversary conference
      ...y, and then outlined the three papers that we recently published as part of our Submerged Aquatic Vegetation synthesis (SAV SYN) effort, then concluded with the segment analysis now underway. Finally, I encouraged the scientists in the audience to...
    • Scientific synthesis paper shows Chesapeake Bay nutrient diet is working
      ...s paper shows Chesapeake Bay nutrient diet is working ... As part of our Submerged Aquatic Vegetation synthesis effort (SAV SYN) , the paper “Long-term nutrient reductions lead to the unprecedented recovery of a temperate coastal region...
    • Bob “JJ” Orth receives the Virginia Outstanding Scientist Award
      ...oying dinner in Annapolis with Bob Orth, Bob’s long time colleagues Rich Batiuk and Ken Moore, and members of the SAV SYN team. At the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science , we have embraced the Boyer model of scholarship;...
    • The Integration and Application Network in 2017
      ...that IAN staff co-taught in 2016, and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) papers were the result of a synthesis project (SAV SYN) that IAN facilitated. Significant IAN Press publications appeared as well. Two booklets to help people generate enviro...
    • More lessons on how to synthesize science
      ...g , I suggested six elements for science synthesis that we have employed in the Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Synthesis (SAV SYN) effort. These six elements were the following: Experienced leadership Limited size Multiple immersive workshops Regula...
    • SAV SYN One Last Time
      SAV SYN One Last Time ... We recently gathered the submerged aquatic vegetation synthesis team (SAV SYN) at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Annapolis office. This fourth and final working group m...
    • The Chesapeake Sentinels
      ...r. This paper is the first of a series of papers being developed as part of the Submerged Aquatic Vegetation synthesis (SAV SYN) effort. As part of our SAV SYN workshops , we have developed the concept of SAV acting as sentinels for Chesapeake Bay...
    • Lessons on how to synthesize science
      Lessons on how to synthesize science ... We recently completed our third SAV SYN workshop, which is an effort to synthesize (SYN) data related to the submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) of Chesapeake B...
    • Developing scientific stories for Chesapeake Bay submerged aquatic vegetation
      ..., a researcher based at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) , and I are leading this effort. Chesapeake Bay SAV Synthesis working group during the first meeting in Annapolis Twenty five years ago, Bob Orth, Ken Moore and I co...