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    3 results for "SAV SYN":

    • Chesapeake Bay recovery paper published
      Chesapeake Bay recovery paper published ... The SAV SYN team takes a break outside in Annapolis, Maryland. ... A multi-authored scientific paper from the submerged aquatic veg...
    • Video and Blog Highlights
      ... High Resolution Land Cover Project". The video recordings are available on IAN's website and YouTube . Bill Dennison's SAV Synthesis Talk on YouTube. Blogs IAN in 2017 The Science of Science Communication...
    • Submerged aquatic vegetation synthesis published in Bioscience
      ...ioscience in June. Thirteen scientists from a diversity of institutions have been collaborating in a synthesis effort ( SAV SYN ), sponsored by the Chesapeake Bay Program . Bob Orth and Bill Dennison co-led the effort. The paper focuses on the abi...