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    1347 results for "dennison":

    • Kick off workshop for Western Lake Erie report card project
      ...wanee River” stimulated me to adapt this song. The lyrics are as follows: Way Up Into the Maumee River William C. Dennison & Stephan Foster 28 Nov 2018 Way up into the Maumee River, Far, far away. That’s where nutrients are too high...
    • Gulf of Thailand Study Tour
      ...as to a point on the junction between the inner and outer Gulf of Thailand. View of Chong Samae San. Photo credit: Bill Dennison. Vanessa Vargas-Nguyen and Bill Dennison at the overlook of the Samae San islands. Photo credit: Vanessa Vargas-Nguyen...
    • Open-Concept Disciplines
      ...f our classmates self-identified in each of the four quadrants. It was encouraging to hear from our professor, Dr. Bill Dennison , that he has found himself in different places within this compass throughout his career. It gives us a general frame...
    • Representing UMCES at the 12th International Conference on the Environmental Management of the Enclosed Coastal Seas
      ... and the UNESCO-IOC/WESTPAC . Jane Nishida and Bob Summers --both former Maryland Secretaries of the Environment-- Bill Dennison , Dave Nemazie , and I made up the only contingent from the United States present at the event. 2nd International Confe...
    • Earthward Bound: Ricky Arnold returns from the International Space Station
      ...me to mind. I adapted their song to “Earthward Bound” with the following lyrics: Earthward Bound William C. Dennison 1 Oct 2018 I’m floating in the ISS1 Got a Soyuz2 to my destination On a tour of earth orbits My space suit and la...
    • Don’t Hate, Integrate!
      ... reef monitoring systems . References 1. Carruthers, T., Carter, S., Lookingbill, T., Florkowski, L., Hawkey, J., & Dennison, W. (2012). A Habitat-Based Framework for Communicating Natural Resource Condition. International Scholarly Research Ne...
    • Creating the Texas Coast Ecosystem Health Report Card
      ... the culmination of several years’ work, starting with "A Vision for the Gulf of Mexico Report Card" , which Bill Dennison , Jane Thomas , and I helped produce in 2013, and which continued in 2017 and 2018 with the Gulf Coast EcoHealth Metric...
    • Stakeholder workshop bring locals one step closer to a report card for the Tuul River Basin
      ...e. Side note: Read about the city of Uulanbaatar and an overview of the characteristics of the Tuul River Basin in Bill Dennison’s blog, ‘Environmental Literacy of the Tuul River, Mongolia’, here . As Bill didn’t cover this,...
    • Old faces, new times. Stakeholder mapping at International Riversymposium 2018 (Sydney, Australia)
      ...their assigned avatars. I was joined at this year’s conference in Sydney, Australia, by some usual suspects: Bill Dennison and Heath Kelsey . Together we partnered with Declan Hearne from the International Water Center in Brisbane to run an i...
    • Scientists Alone Won’t Save the Earth
      ...social science approaches that we learned and will continue to learn in this class. The lecturer of this week, Dr. Bill Dennison , is a Professor of Marine Science and Vice President for Science Application at the University of Maryland Center for...
    • Parramatta River Study Tour
      ...25. Making the Parramatta River swimmable is the major goal of the Parramatta River Catchment Group. Photo credit: Bill Dennison. We made five stops over the course of the day, roaming from the headwaters to near the mouth of the Parramatta River....
    • The 21st International Riversymposium
      .... Eva Abal, CEO of the International Riverfoundation, opening the 21st International Riversymposium. Photo credit: Bill Dennison. In the opening session, Rod Simpson , the Environment Commissioner from the Greater Sydney Commission, introduced us t...
    • The Future of Future Earth Coasts
      ...nd consistent involvement with the Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) from its inception in 1993. Bill Dennison and Tim Carruthers served on the Scientific Steering Committee in the past, and I got involved with the next iteration,...
    • WebStock 2018
      ...er for Environmental Science employees at CBP (UMCES @ CBP). Guy Stephens introducing WebStock 2018. Photo credit: Bill Dennison. Dave Yayac , the talented Web Team designer, designed this year’s WebStock logo: an anchor with a guitar, to go...
    • MEES Colloquium 2018
      ...ldquo;perseverance” in searching for the right job. Panel discussion at the MEES Colloquium: (left to right) Bill Dennison, Astrid Caldas, Lonnie Gonsalves, Steve Doctor, Rebecca Fox. Photo credit: Bill Dennison. I also facilitated a session...
    • Previewing NY Harbor exhibit at the New York Aquarium on Coney Island
      ...w of New York Harbor opening from New York Aquarium on Coney Island. Salt marsh restoration visible. Photo credit: Bill Dennison. Jon gave us a brief overview of the challenges of orchestrating a major museum rebuilding effort supported by three ma...
    • Maryland Coastal Bays report card gets a B- for the first time
      ...ams and various members of the Ocean City and Worcester County councils. DNR Secretary, Mark Belton. Photo credit: Bill Dennison. At the MCBP Policy Committee meeting, I presented the concept of the “Triple Threat” to the Maryland Coast...
    • Communicating science effectively: one-day course with EPA Region 1
      Communicating science effectively: one-day course with EPA Region 1 ... Bill Dennison and I traveled to Boston, Massachusetts on September 12-14 to teach a one-day course, titled “Communicating Scien...
    • Transforming our coastal futures through partnerships to foster sustainability
      ...articipants identified a strategic opportunity to work more closely together to chart desired coastal futures. ... Bill Dennison ... Heath Kelsey ... Emily Nastase ... Brianne Walsh...
    • From Walden to Now: A Look at the Environmental Movement in the USA
      ...kly start our conversation about the beginnings of the environmental movement in the United States. Our professor, Bill Dennison, provided a summary and review of the three formative works that we were asked to read for this week's class: Walden by...
    • Healthy Rivers for All
      ...nd Center for Environmental Science. ... Brianne Walsh ... Alexandra Fries ... Simon Costanzo ... Heath Kelsey ... Bill Dennison...
    • New Environment & Society course launched
      New Environment & Society course launched ... By: Bill Dennison As part of the revised Marine Estuarine Environmental Science (MEES) graduate program curriculum, the Environment &...
    • Field Trips in Puerto Rico…. with a mission
      ...this was a drought-focused field trip after all, so we had to leave the halophytes to explore more relevant areas. Bill Dennison and me in a lush bed of Thalassia testudinum at Playa Tamarindo. We left the southern coast for the mountainous western...
    • 2017 Chesapeake Bay report card release
      ..., turns out to be a highlight of the year. Our team poses immediately post-release. Image credit: Sky Swanson. ... Bill Dennison...
    • Rich Batiuk’s retirement from the Chesapeake Bay Program
      ...d everyone to continue the journey of Chesapeake Bay restoration. Susan Batiuk and Sarah Batiuk Wang. Image credit Bill Dennison. Bob and I produced a powerpoint presentation reviewing multiple SAV synthesis efforts with Rich. We highlighted the ro...