Mountains as Sentinels of Change: Summary from Belmont Forum

Katie May Laumann ·
1 February 2019

Belmont Forum participants worked together to create a sketch (top) for a conceptual diagram that represented 'Mountains as Sentinels of Change'. The finalized diagram (bottom) will be featured in the upcoming synthesis publication. Figure credit: Yesenia Valverde. Mountain regions are ecologically important worldwide. They are home to incredible biodiversity, providing critical habitat for many species. They also provide critical resources to people.

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Overlooking the Verde River near Peck’s Lake. Photo: Alexandra Fries.

If the river's not flowing, is it still a river? Learning about the Verde River Watershed

Alexandra Fries ·
29 January 2019
Environmental Report Cards | 

Emily Nastase, Andrew Elmore, and I traveled to Cottonwood, Arizona in November 2018 to kick off the Verde River Watershed Report Card project. This project is supported by the Forest Service, with partners from the Friends of the Verde River and The Nature Conservancy. We started the trip with a full day in the field on November 12th, driving around the Verde Watershed and getting a feel for the region.

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Arctic Observing and Science for Sustainability Summary from Belmont Forum

Bill Dennison ·
17 January 2019
Science Communication | Learning Science | 

The Arctic Ocean, its surrounding land masses, and the people and animals that depend on arctic ecosystems are changing rapidly. Global climate change is particularly acute in the arctic, with large scale biophysical changes evident, leading to ecological and social impacts. One of the Collaborative Research Actions (CRA) initiatives by the Belmont Forum is addressing the changing arctic.

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A poster at the conference asked,

This is What Science Stands For: Exhibiting at AGU Fall Meeting 2018

Yesenia Valverde ·
15 January 2019
Science Communication | 

Every fall, the American Geophysical Union hosts the largest meeting of Earth and space scientists from around the world for a week of workshops, presentations, field trips, networking events, and so much more. Rumored to have had more than 27,000 attendees this year, it’s an impressively large and exciting conference, overflowing with opportunities to learn, share, and network.

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View of Downtown Seattle from the waterfront. Photo credit: Yesenia Valverde.

Ecosystem Transformation: Resilience in the Face of Change

Yesenia Valverde ·
10 January 2019
Science Communication | Applying Science | 

View of Downtown Seattle from the waterfront. Photo credit: Yesenia Valverde. Last month, the IPCC released its special report, Global Warming of 1.5°C , a report requested by the Paris Agreement to detail the projected impacts of a 1.5°C rise in global temperature. It is of crucial importance to note that, according to the report, we as a global society are not currently on track to maintain warming below 1.5°C. Sobering, the report is an immediate call to action.

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The UMCES Environmental Summit. Photo credit: UMCES Flickr.

A perspective on the UMCES Environmental Summit

Andrew Elmore ·
8 January 2019
Applying Science | Learning Science | 

The UMCES Environmental Summit. Photo credit: UMCES Flickr. On November 30, 2018 the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) community gathered at the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology (IMET) in Baltimore to discuss environmental science and application to resource management and policy with our new president, Dr. Peter Goodwin.

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Food Security and Land Use Change.

Facilitating a Belmont Forum workshop in Washington D.C.

Bill Dennison ·
3 January 2019
Science Communication | 

The Integration and Application Network (IAN) teamed up with the Belmont Forum for a synthesis workshop on 8-10 Dec 2018 in Washington, D.C. IAN staff facilitated the workshop, which Belmont Forum calls a "valorization workshop" with three groups of projects, identified by the Belmont Forum as Collaborative Research Actions (CRAs). The three CRAs were 1) "Food security and land use change", 2) "Arctic observing and science for sustainability", 3) "Mountains as sentinels of change".

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The Conversation article that accompanied the release of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science article by Lefcheck et al.

The Integration and Application Network in 2018

Bill Dennison ·
31 December 2018
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication | Applying Science | Learning Science | 

The Integration and Application Network (IAN) had an eventful and exciting year. We were able to report some really good news in the improvements in the health of Chesapeake Bay and Maryland Coastal Bays with our annual report cards. In addition, the publication of a scientific synthesis paper that IAN staff helped generate was able to reach a broad audience. This paper identified that the nutrient reductions into Chesapeake Bay were leading to ecosystem health improvements.

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Class logo.

Environment & Society Reflections

Bill Dennison ·
28 December 2018
Learning Science | 

Class logo. In the revised Marine Environmental and Estuarine Science (MEES) curriculum, the Environment and Society Foundation is the only track that expressly incorporates social sciences. With my marine ecology background, I combined efforts with Michael Paolisso, an environmental anthropologist, to co-teach the Foundation course. Michael and I had a lot of help from our excellent teaching assistant, Suzi Spitzer, a variety of superb guest lecturers (Drs.

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