Hurricane Irene approaches the Carolinas, 2011. Photo credit: NASA/GSFC/Jeff Schmaltz/MODIS Land Rapid Response Team.

The Die of the Storm

Kate Petersen ·
26 November 2018
Applying Science | Learning Science |     1 comments

Dice clatter on a plain table in a quiet room. The truncated, cacophonous collision of plastic and faux wood laminate foretells the destiny of a densely populated urban area. The game master considers the exposed numbers reflected in the light of a computer screen before inputting the next fated event: Power station 3, grid section 6 fails. Pump 617 offline.

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Earthward Bound: Ricky Arnold returns from the International Space Station

Bill Dennison ·
23 November 2018

On 4 Oct. 2018, NASA astronaut Ricky Arnold returned to Earth following his 197-day stint aboard the International Space Station (ISS). After watching Ricky’s Soyuz launch on March 21, 2018, the Soyuz docking with the ISS, various space walks, and various interviews that Ricky made with various groups on earth, it was exciting to finally watch the live-stream of Soyuz capsule landing on the Kazakhstan steppe.

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Wiki Commons stock photo of a black rat snake. Photo credit: Shenandoah National Park from Virginia CC-BY-2.0 

Snake Encounters of the Third Kind

Kate Petersen ·
16 November 2018

I’m new to IAN, Horn Point Laboratory, and the East Coast. I came here from the west. The other day my co-worker, Emily, and I took a break to walk around outside a bit. She was telling me a little about what folks do here on campus, which includes “recycling” oyster shells. I didn’t ask follow-up questions and thought she meant that you could take oyster shells and put a new oyster baby in them and the baby would grow up and use those shells as its own shells.

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Dr. Dolgorsuren Garmaa (left) and Dr. Purevdorj Surenkhorloo (right) presented in the morning. Photos by Dylan Taillie.

Stakeholder workshop bring locals one step closer to a report card for the Tuul River Basin

Dylan Taillie ·
12 November 2018
Environmental Report Cards | Applying Science | 

On October 28th, 2018 Simon Costanzo and I arrived in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia, for the beginning of a busy week of workshops and trainings. Healthy Rivers for All (a collaborative effort between the UMCES Integration and Application Network and the World Wildlife Fund) has been facilitating the creation of a river basin health report card for the Tuul River Basin, the major river running through the capital of Mongolia.

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Simon Costanzo introducing the theory behind the stakeholder selection activity.

Old faces, new times. Stakeholder mapping at International Riversymposium 2018 (Sydney, Australia)

Simon Costanzo ·
9 November 2018
Science Communication | Applying Science | 

This October 2018, I attended the 21st International Riversymposium, continuing a long-standing tradition of presIANce at this meeting on river science and management. In fact, I recall the very first Riversymposium held in Brisbane in 1998 way back when I was still a student studying the very river system that is the namesake of the annual conference. Since those days much has changed for the conference, the Brisbane River, and Moreton Bay…. all for the better.

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Making the Parramatta River swimmable is the major goal of the Parramatta River Catchment Group. Photo credit: Bill Dennison.

Parramatta River Study Tour

Bill Dennison ·
5 November 2018
Applying Science | 

As part of the 21st International Riversymposium, a study tour of the Parramatta River was organized by the Parramatta River Catchment Group. The Parramatta River is the major river feeding into Sydney Harbour from the west. They were deserved finalists for the Bert and Vera Thiess Foundation Australasia Riverprize. Sarah Clift, Executive Director of the Parramatta River Catchment Group (PRCG), and her capable staff organized a great study tour.

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Sky (me) helping a child and his father understand and play our game. Photo credit: Jamie Currie.

Horn Point Lab Open House 2018

Sky Swanson ·
2 November 2018
Science Communication |     1 comments

It was just before 8am on a Saturday, a phrase that should never be said out loud. I was standing in Starbucks, waiting for the employees to hand me a slice of lemon cake. Why I had to wait in a drink line for a piece of cake is one of the great mysteries in life that I will never know, but I had a bigger question on my mind:

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