The University College Cork campus entrance gate. Image credit: Heath Kelsey

Cork conference on coastal sustainability

Heath Kelsey ·
23 April 2018

Bill Dennison and I visited Cork, Ireland at University College Cork from March 26-28 to help facilitate a discussion among Regionals Seas Leadership, Future Earth Coasts, and United Nations Environment. Our goal was to help outline a new collaborative process to enhance the transition to more sustainable coasts.

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Welcome sign. Photo credit: Danielle Kreeger

Atlantic Estuarine Research Society 70th anniversary conference

Bill Dennison ·
13 April 2018

On April 6th-7th, 2018, I attended the Atlantic Estuarine Research Society (AERS) annual spring conference in Rehoboth Beach, DE. AERs was the first estuarine scientific society created, and this conference marked the 70th anniversary of its founding. Citing a need for communication among associates in the coastal regions of the Chesapeake and Carolinas, the first AERS meeting was held in April 1949 in Morehead City, NC.

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Simon facilitating the indicator discussion. Image credit Heath Kelsey.

Training local teams in report card creation

Heath Kelsey ·
9 April 2018

Report Card Training for WWF Zambia … Lusaka, Zambia February 24-26 2018 … The first report card project in Africa was kicked off in Lusaka, with a training workshop hosted by Chanda Kumwenda at WWF. Michele Thieme /(WWF US), Simon Costanzo, and I facilitated a four-day training workshop covering the 5 major steps to creating a report card for the Lower Kafue River. The final day was devoted to science communication.

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Map of Zambia showing Kafue River, and the Zambezi River. Zambezi river basin-en. Licensed by Eric Gaba under CC BY 3.0.

Lower Kafue River Environmental Literacy

Heath Kelsey ·
6 April 2018
Environmental Literacy | 

In February 2018, Simon Costanzo, Michele Thieme and I travelled to Lusaka, Zambia to kick off a project to develop an ecosystem health report card for the Lower Kafue River Basin. We provided training for the WWF Zambia team on the report card creation process. I then traveled with the WWF team to Monze in the Southern Province to help the team facilitate first stakeholder workshop.

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Ricky Arnold. Image credit: NASA

Good luck and Godspeed, Ricky Arnold

Bill Dennison ·
21 March 2018

Today, at 17:44:26 GMT, Soyuz MS-08 lifted off from the Biakonar Cosmosdrome in Kazakhstan. Ricky Arnold, another American astronaut, and one cosmonaut are now aboard en route to the International Space Station for a six month stint. Ricky was a Marine Estuarine and Environmental Science (MEES) graduate student and has been the plenary speaker at two MEES student colloquia, inspiring the current students to literally reach for the stars. Ricky Arnold. Image credit:

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Map of the Marrimack River watershed. Merrimackrivermap, created by Karl Musser. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5

Environmental literacy for the Assabet, Sudbury and Concord Rivers

Bill Dennison ·
19 March 2018
Environmental Literacy | 

As part of a report card project that we recently initiated with our partner organization, OARS for the Assabet, Sudbury and Concord Rivers, we reviewed the essential features and major issues associated with these rivers. They are presented as seven environmental literacy principles: • The Assabet, Sudbury and Concord Rivers (SuAsCo sub-basin) are tributaries to the Merrimack River in the metropolitan fringe of Boston, Massachusetts.

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The Honest Broker sits unread, a victim of a changing landscape for science communications.

Communicating science with personality

Bill Nuttle ·
16 March 2018

Over the past fifteen years or so I have become more and more obsessed with how to write about science for a broad audience. I am not alone. I am an environmental scientist, so communicating to the public is important to my job. Many other scientists and scientific organizations share this obsession. And yet, frequently it appears that all our efforts are for naught. The message is not getting through. Therefore, maybe it’s time to step back and rethink.

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Jon Lefcheck, Mike Smith, and Bob “JJ” Orth in the McCleland Room at the National Press Club.

Visiting the National Press Club to talk about Chesapeake Bay

Bill Dennison ·
12 March 2018

Our Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences paper entitled “Long-term nutrient reductions lead to the unprecedented recovery of a temperate coastal region” was published online on March 5th, 2018. Coinciding with the paper publication, 4 of the 14 co-authors joined Mike Smith from GreenSmith at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. for a series of interviews with the media.

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Bill Dennison and Brianne Walsh with OARS staff at Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge.

Veni, Vidi, Vici: We Came, We Saw, We Concord.

Bill Dennison ·
9 March 2018

The title of this blog, adapted from Julius Caesar’s quote “I came, I saw, I conquered,” is based on a trip that Brianne Walsh and I made to Concord, Massachusetts from from February 26th – March 3rd. Brianne and I traveled to Concord to initiate a report card for the Assabet, Sudbury and Concord Rivers. We are working with OARS, an organization that is focused on these 3 rivers, based in Concord.

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