Bill Dennison, Alex Fries, Caroline Wicks and Bill Nuttle at the top of the Philosopher's Walk on the University of Toronto campus.

Science communication and integration with Environment Canada

Bill Dennison ·
5 November 2013
Science Communication | 

Along with Caroline Wicks and Alex Fries, I traveled to Toronto, Canada for a three day workshop with Environment Canada. We also met up with Bill Nuttle, who took a train down from Ottawa. We conducted a science communication and integration workshop with various Environment Canada staff based in the Toronto area. Bill Dennison, Alex Fries, Caroline Wicks and Bill Nuttle at the top of the Philosopher's Walk on the University of Toronto campus.

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Science and Engineering Board members for Louisiana's 2012 Coastal Master Plan. Credit: CPRA.

Coastal Louisiana song book: Reflections on reviewing the 2012 Master Plan

Bill Dennison ·
31 October 2013
Science Communication | 

Over a period of a couple of years, I co-chaired the Science and Engineering Board of the 2012 Master Plan for Coastal Louisiana. The other members of the SEB were the following: Charles “Chip” Groat (co-chair), Greg Baecher, Ed Barbier, Philip Berke, Mark Brinson, Virginia Burkett, Robert “Tony” Dalrymple, Jos Dijkman, Katherine Ewel and Ed Houde, with Robert Twilley serving as the SEB facilitator. Sadly, Mark Brinson passed away following our first meeting.

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Writing versus Communication

Science Communication vs. Science Writing: Different audiences and different styles

Bill Dennison ·
29 October 2013
Science Communication |     1 comments

I recently received a copy of "Louisiana's 2012 Coastal Master Plan Technical Analysis, which is Special Issue #67 of the Journal of Coastal Research, co-edited by Natalie Peyronnin and Denise Reed. This 161 page issue has 10 scientific papers which describe the scientific and technical basis that underpins the Louisiana's Comprehensive Master Plan for a Sustainable Coast (2012 Master Plan) which was published in early 2012. These two documents are similar in length (Master Plan = 190 pp. vs.

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Original poplar tree symbol accessed by Stephen Keller. Symbol source TruboSquid.

Symbols: A universal and effective technique for communication

Bill Dennison ·
24 October 2013
Science Communication | 

The use of symbols in the various conceptual diagrams that the Integration and Application Network staff have been employing as part of science communication taps an ancient and effective communication technique. Symbols are universal, transcending cultural and language barriers, as demonstrated by the global adoption of the IAN symbol libraries. I recently experienced two examples of the development and utilization of IAN symbols which shed light on the symbols that we employ.

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Dinner at the Institute of Marine & Environmental Technology, Baltimore. Photo courtesy of Suzann Langrall.

Being inspired by Cousteaus: An evening with Jean-Michel Cousteau

Bill Dennison ·
22 October 2013
Science Communication | 

I attended "The Great Ocean Adventure: An evening with Jean-Michel Cousteau" event at the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology (IMET) in Baltimore's inner harbor on 9 October 2013. The event included dinner with fish that were raised in the Aquaculture Research Center, a facility pioneered by Yoni Zohar, which is developing sustainable aquaculture approaches using recirculating aquaculture facility in the ground level of IMET.

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John, Sue and Julian.

John Bertram's legacy

Bill Dennison ·
20 October 2013

John Bertram passed away last week in Brisbane, Australia. John and Sue Bertram were two of the first people that Judy and I met when I joined the Botany Department in 1992. John and Sue were one of the reasons I so very much enjoyed my decade at the University of Queensland. John was the department histologist and Sue was the department secretary.

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Poster on the new behavior survey presented at the Chesapeake Watershed Forum.

Take the baysurvey!: Learning about stewardship behaviors for Chesapeake Bay restoration

Bill Dennison ·
17 October 2013
Science Communication | 

The Integration and Application Network has teamed up with Opinion Works LLC, an Annapolis based group of researchers interested in understanding behaviors related to environmental policies. This effort is funded by the Chesapeake Bay Trust, and is part of the effort by the Mid-Atlantic Tributary Assessment Coalition of various watershed groups to effect better watershed stewardship.

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Riverprize Gala Dinner at the 16th International Riversymposium.

International Riversymposium 2013

Bill Dennison ·
15 October 2013
Environmental Report Cards | 

The 16th annual International Riversymposium was held in Brisbane, Australia during September 2013. I traveled to Australia with Heath Kelsey and we made presentations during a stimulating session on environmental report cards, which featured the long-term Southeast Queensland report card program, the Great Barrier Reef report card, our fledgling Mississippi River report card effort, and a bit about the process of creating and maintaining report cards.

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Bethany Beach, DE, snug behind her dune.

Learning to Love the Dune in Bethany Beach

Bill Nuttle ·
10 October 2013
Learning Science | 

The seawall was an admission that everything tried so far was not working. This past summer I discovered that Bethany Beach, Delaware, has something that few other beach resorts can claim — a 16 foot dune. Families strolling the boardwalk or hanging out to eat ice cream gaze out on to a rising slope of dune grass instead of ocean surf playing on a sunlit beach. The beach and the surf are there, to be sure, and the dune is there to make sure the beach stays where it is.

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