St. Bernard Parish seal with Chalmette National Historical Park monument for the Battle of New Orleans.

Coastal Louisiana issues discussed at public meeting in St. Bernard Parish

Bill Dennison ·
25 June 2013
Environmental Report Cards | 

On 17 June 2013, I traveled to The Water Institute of the Gulf (TWIG) in Baton Rouge, Louisiana to discuss the development of a Coastal Louisiana report card. The discussion centers around developing indicators of sustainable landscapes and resilient communities for coastal Louisiana. We established a strategy of providing annual coastal updates and biennial report cards ahead of the next Master Plan (2017).

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The Northern Lights are caused when particles thrown off the surface of the sun collide with the atmosphere of the Earth. Credit: Adrian Jones

Seven natural wonders of the world

Bill Dennison ·
20 June 2013
Learning Science |     1 comments

The original “seven wonders of the world” were manmade structures, often in iconic settings. The impact of seeing these manmade creations was what made them the wonders. Similarly, the seven natural wonders of the world are focused on the iconic settings that impact those viewing them. These natural wonders are both physical and biological, united in their ability to create lasting memories in those who view them.

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Conceptual diagrams 'poster session' showing diagrams created by the participants using the IAN online diagram creator.

Scaling Up: Future of Environmental Decisions workshop

Bill Dennison ·
18 June 2013
Science Communication | Learning Science | 

The Ecological Society of America (ESA) organized two simultaneous workshops for a) senior undergraduate and beginning graduate students in ecology and b) early career academic ecologists for a one-week training workshop during the week of 2-7 June 2013. The workshops were based at the Maritime Institute in Baltimore, Maryland and the National Science Foundation provided financial support.

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Singing the Chesapeake Blues

Singing the Chesapeake Bay Blues

Bill Dennison ·
13 June 2013
Science Communication |     2 comments

As part of the Scaling Up: Future of Environmental Decisions workshop (2-7 June 2013), I wrote "Singing the Chesapeake Bay Blues". Apologies to my colleague Howard Ernst, who wrote an excellent book "Chesapeake Bay Blues", for adopting his book title into the song. This workshop was sponsored by the Ecological Society of America, with National Science Foundation funding.

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Panel discussion on jellyfish at The Diane Rehm Show. Left to right: Bill Dennison, Diane Rehm and Jack Cover. Credit: Amy Pelsinsky

Discussing jellyfish with scientific colleagues and Diane Rehm

Bill Dennison ·
11 June 2013
Science Communication | Learning Science | 

On 4 June 2013, I joined a panel on the National Public Radio's Diane Rehm Show at the WAMU studio in Washington, D.C. to talk about jellyfish. Diane had Lisa-Ann Gershwin, a jellyfish taxonomist who wrote the book "Stung: On jellyfish blooms and the future of the oceans" on the show. Jack Cover, general curator at the National Aquarium in Baltimore who collects jellyfish from Chesapeake Bay to display in the Aquarium, was also on the panel.

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Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring

Are we having a Rachel Carson spring?

Bill Nuttle ·
6 June 2013
Applying Science |     1 comments

This spring brings hopeful signs of an environmental awakening. I woke up this morning thinking about Rachel Carson. I wasn’t thinking about the author, exactly. It was more to do with the period of the early 1960s when Rachel Carson made a difference - a period of growing environmental consciousness as a prelude to taking action. Could it be that we are now in a similar period with respect to climate change? That possibility has put me in a cautiously optimistic mood.

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Meeting of the Vansville Farmers Club.

Farming and Chesapeake Bay: Initiating a dialog with the Vansville Farmers Club

Bill Dennison ·
4 June 2013
Science Communication | 

The Vansville Farmers Club was formed in 1884 as a successor to the Maryland Agricultural Society at the home of James D. Cassard. Club members meet at each other's farms on a monthly basis, tour the facilities and share practices with each other. The Vansville Farmers Club created the first Farmers' Institute that developed into a statewide Farmers' Institute, which then evolved into the Extension Service of the University of Maryland.

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The Sea Around Us by Rachel Carson

Top ten books about science that influenced my career

Bill Dennison ·
30 May 2013
Science Communication | Applying Science | Learning Science | 

The Sea Around Us, Rachel Carson … In seventh grade in Ohio, in the heartland of America and without ever actually seeing the ocean, I read Rachel Carson's The Sea Around Us. I had become very enamored in everything to do with water, but my experience was confined to freshwater in the streams, rivers and lakes of Ohio, Michigan and Canada.

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Ribbon cutting at Menzer center dedication ceremony. Left to right: Drs. Jayanth Banavar, Pat Florestano, Don Boesch, Brit Kirwin, Rita Colwell, and Mary Ann Rankin.

Commemorating Bob Menzer at Marine Estuarine and Environmental Sciences

Bill Dennison ·
28 May 2013
Science Communication | Learning Science | 

On May 16, Marine Estuarine and Environmental Sciences (MEES) students, faculty and alumni gathered in the newly renovated HJ Patterson Hall on the University of Maryland College Park campus in honor of Dr. Robert E. "Bob" Menzer. The occasion was the formal opening of the new Robert E. Menzer Classroom and Central Administration suite. Two state of the art electronic classrooms, offices, and conference room were unveiled.

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Global Seagrass Trajectory Working Group, sponsored by the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis. Left to right standing: Jud Kenworthy, Ken Heck, Randall Hughes, Fred Short, Ainsley Calladine, Suzanne Olyarnik, Susan WIlliams, MIchelle Waycott, Gary Kendrick, Jim Fourqurean, Carlos Duarte. Left to right sitting: Bob Orth, Bill Dennison, Tim Carruthers.

Scientific synthesis at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science: Part 4--Moving beyond synthesis

Bill Dennison ·
23 May 2013
Applying Science | 

This post is part four of a four part series on scientific synthesis. In some cases, scientific synthesis is not the end product, rather it can be the start of a science application effort. In a case study to demonstrate the use of scientific synthesis which led to a science application effort, I will recount our efforts regarding global seagrass trajectories.

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