The poetry and art of Johannes Kepler
Bill Dennison ·'Scientists who made a difference' series
This blog accompanying the biographical sketch of Johannes Kepler looks at a selection of his writing as poetry and a selection of his scientific sketches as art. The 'Poetry' use Kepler's exact words (translated into English) in prose form, using the title 'Absolutely Settled' to focus on the cadence and word choice. It was a strong statement in support of the Copernican view of the earth and planets revolving around the sun. This selection is from Kepler's book Harmonice Mundi (Harmony of the Worlds), published in 1619. The 'Art' uses a sketch of the trajectory of Mars with 'retrograde motion' which occurs when the orbit of Mars around the sun appears from earth to reverse itself due to the fact that the earth is also orbiting the sun. It was published in 1609 in Kepler's book Astronomia nova (New Astronomy).
Absolutely Settled
Johannes Kepler
First, therefore,
readers should take it
as absolutely settled today
among all astronomers
that all the planets
go round the sun,
with the exception
of the moon,
which alone
has the earth as its center;
and its orbit or course
is not large enough
to be capable
of being drawn
in its correct proportion to the rest . . .
it is settled
that all the planets are eccentric,
that is,
they change their distances
from the Sun
in such a way
that on one side
their orbits
are furthest from the Sun,
in the other
they come closest to the sun.
Drawings of the trajectory of Mars
Johannes Kepler
About the author
Bill Dennison

Dr. Bill Dennison is a Professor of Marine Science and Interim President at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES).