Baltimore partnership begins new integrated assessment and restoration project

Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore has committed to a bold and ambitious plan to restore Baltimore's Inner Harbor area to "fishable and swimmable" status in the next 10-15 years.
EcoCheck is working with the Partnership and other team members to recommend sampling and data analysis methods to assess current status and track progress toward project objectives. The project kicked off on Friday, September 24, 2010 with team and board meetings at the
Institute of Molecular Environmental Technology located at the city waterfront. In addition to the Waterfront Partnership, the team includes IAN/EcoCheck, the Center for Watershed Protection, and Biohabitats Inc. Key components of the project will include a November workshop with stakeholders and scientists to develop ecological health and watershed-based indicators and relevant data needs to track progress. A newsletter-style report, technical report, and training for volunteer data collection will follow the workshop.