Facilitate the Partnership Between Chesapeake Bay and Guanabara Bay to Enhance and Accelerate Restoration
Facilitate the Partnership Between Chesapeake Bay and Guanabara Bay to Enhance and Accelerate Restoration
The objective of this technical cooperation is to facilitate the partnership between the States of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and Maryland (USA) that will provide advice and support for a Guanabara Bay Program with an effective governance structure and management program designed to revitalize the Guanabara Bay. As the facilitator for Chesapeake Bay, the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) and IAN will provide targeted support to PSAM and the State of Rio as it develops a governance structure, assesses the environmental health, and develops and implements a restoration plan. This support includes: a) facilitating meetings between PSAM and its various contractors with Chesapeake Bay experts, when relevant; b) when applicable add experts from the Chesapeake Bay to assist in Guanabara Bay based workshops; c) provide webinars on topical issues to PSAM and its partners; d) coordinate a modest science conference on the Chesapeake Bay and Guanabara Bay experience that highlights science-based restoration programs and assessment; e) assist PSAM and contractors in the development of an environmental health assessment (report card) for Guanabara Bay; and f) host a study tour of Chesapeake Bay that highlights the governance model, and restoration practices for a small group of leaders from Guanabara Bay.
Key Personnel

- Start: 2016-04-01
- Finish: 2017-07-31
- Duration: 1 year, 3 months