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ChesapeakeStat Website

2014-01-01 —

ChesapeakeStat is the parent site for two web products that improve information-sharing and decision-making at the Chesapeake Bay Program. It explains how we’re governed and how we implement adaptive management on a partnership-wide scale.

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Long Island Sound Ecosystem Health Report Card

2014-01-01 — 2015-04-30

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation's Long Island Sound Futures Fund has funded IAN to develop the Long Island Sound Ecosystem Health Report Card project. The project will involve developing a report card for the Long Island Sound itself, as well as report cards for Hempstead Harbor in New York and the Westport/Fairfield embayment in Connecticut. IAN will host a series of workshops and the final products will include a printed report card and an interactive website.

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MEES Courses

2014-01-01 —

The UMCES Integration and Applicatoin Network regularly teaches multiple MSc. and PhD. level courses through the University of Marylands Marine, Estuarine, Environmental Sciences Graduate Program. Our courses range from Science Visualization to Issues Study Groups on Environmental Justice indicators, and are generally taught on annual or bi-annual cycles. To learn more, visit .

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Cloud Computing (C4 Inception)

2013-12-09 — 2019-04-30

Cloud computing resources and support for the Chesapeake Bay Program under US EPA cooperative agreement CB-96325901. Establishment of the Chesapeake Center for Collaborative Computing.

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Ecosystem Health Report Card for Laguna de Bay, Philippines

2013-12-01 — 2016-02-08

IAN is involved in the development of the first Ecosystem Health Report Card for Laguna de Bay, the largest freshwater lake in the Philippines. This project is jointly implemented by the Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia Resource Facility (PRF) and the Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA), under the UNEP/GEF Project on Global Foundations for Reducing Nutrient Enrichment and Oxygen Depletion from Land-based Pollution in Support of Global Nutrient Cycle.

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Climate Change Resilience Index

2013-10-01 — 2015-04-01

Our goal is to develop a suite of indicators that will reflect resource resilience to impacts related to sea level rise, increased water temperature, changed precipitation patterns, and increased storm intensity and frequency. The suite of indicators will be integrated into the Chesapeake Bay Report Card. We estimate that this process will be achieved over a two-year period and will be an important evolution in the Chesapeake Bay Report Card, and for environmental reporting globally.

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Mills Creek Report Card

2013-09-04 — 2014-03-31

The primary objective of this project is to collate data, review indicators and synthesize both to effectively report the health of Mills Creek. Mills Creek is a small tributary to Sandusky Bay on the south-central shore of Lake Erie. The Mills Creek watershed is largely developed by a combination of urban and agricultural land uses.

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Design and layout of Maryland's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act Plan

2013-08-26 — 2013-11-30

In 2009, Governor Martin O’Malley and Maryland’s General Assembly charged the State with developing a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan that will reduce greenhouse gases 25 percent below a 2006 baseline level by the year 2020. This report provides a detailed overview of Maryland’s Plan, describing Maryland’s vulnerability to climate change and detailing Maryland’s 150-plus Greenhouse Gas Reduction programs and initiatives and their associated benefits.

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Rookery Bay NERR

2013-08-01 — 2014-01-31

The primary objective of this project is to collate data, review indicators, and synthesize both to effectively report the health of Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in southwest Florida. Located at the northern end of the Ten Thousand Islands on the Gulf Coast of Florida, the Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve represents one of the few remaining undisturbed mangrove estuaries in North America.

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Development of the Mississippi River Watershed Report Card

2013-05-07 —

This project will help facilitate, assess, and produce the America's Watershed Initiative Report Card. The report card will describe the health of the Mississippi River Basin based on six main goals (water supply, flood risk reduction, economies, ecosystems, recreational, and transportation).

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