Western Lake Erie Report Card Development and Production

2018-07-01 — 2020-08-31

The purpose of this project is to create an ecosystem health report card in consultation with local stakeholders to effectively measure the nutrients and water quality of western Lake Erie. In doing so, actions will be leveraged to ensure the continued health of the lake and awareness of the significance of the lake will be increased to support the livelihood and health of local communities.

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UMCES Institutional Assessment

2018-06-04 — 2019-12-31

UMCES received accreditation from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. As part of the accreditation process, UMCES needs to assess and communicate its goals better. The Institutional Assessment evaluates how successful UMCES is at meeting its goals of scientific research, public service, and education. We will do this by working through the 5-step report card process and producing a report card-like assessment for public consumption.

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Ministry for the Environment and Climate Change Report Card Training Workshop

2018-05-01 — 2018-08-31

The primary objective of this project is a two-day training for staff of the MOECC, as well as partner Great Lakes ministries, such as Natural Resources Forestry (MNRF) and Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). The training will focus on the development of performance measures, in accordance with the requirements under the Great Lakes Protection Act.

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Development of SAV Monitoring Methods, Manuals, and Certification for Citizen Science in Chesapeake Bay

2018-03-01 — 2019-03-31

Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) scientists and managers rely on data collected by volunteers to study SAV and assess conservation and restoration needs. Although various citizen science initiatives currently survey SAV in the Chesapeake Bay, no standardized data collection protocol exists to ensure that all of these initiatives use the same methodology or collect the same data.

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Offshore Assateague Water Quality

2018-03-01 — 2022-03-01

IAN has teamed up with oceanographers at our home campus of Horn Point Laboratory and at the Department of Natural Resources in order to revisit a growing concern of algal blooms off Assateague Island National Seashore on the Southern Eastern Shore. IAN's role in this project involves synthesizing data collected offshore and helping to establish relevant thresholds for offshore nutrient data, as well as aiding in communication of the studies data and findings.

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Lower Kafue River Basin Report Card Development

2018-02-01 — 2019-12-31

This project is a continuation of the partnership between The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences to develop a standardized methodology for designing and implementing report cards that assess the health some of the world’s most prominent freshwater basins. UMCES and the WWF are currently collaborating with Zambian stakeholders to create a report card for the Lower Kafue River Basin.

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Chesapeake Bay Report Card Expansion

2018-01-01 — 2025-09-30

Incorporating novel indicators into the Chesapeake Bay Report Card. Make key improvements to the Chesapeake Bay Report Card, which has served since 2006 as the definitive source for ecosystem health status in the Bay and tidal tributaries.

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Chesapeake Bay Tributary Summaries

2018-01-01 —

The Chesapeake Bay Program and the U.S. Geologic Survey are compiling tributary basin summaries for 12 major tributaries or tributary groups in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. These summaries summarize the following information: (1) How tidal water quality changes over time; (2) How factors that drive those changes change over time; and (3) Current state of the science on connecting change in aquatic conditions to its drivers.

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Coastal cliff that extends out into the ocean.

Future Earth Coasts Partnership

2018-01-01 — 2022-05-01

IAN has maintained a robust relationship with Future Earths Coasts (FEC) since its inception in 2015. This group aims to support a network of coastal scientists and stakeholders who are working in the area of sustainable coastal futures. IAN has had the unique opportunity of helping the group at FEC to refine these goals and realize a vision to accomplish them.

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Harriet Tubman Railroad Natural Resource Condition Assessment

2018-01-01 — 2019-03-31

The National Park Service is carrying out assessments of the natural resource condition (NRCA) for nearly 300 of the National Parks throughout the country deemed to have significant natural resources. This project, to assess condition of Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historic Park in Maryland, is a synthesis project aimed at collating and synthesizing all available data to assess current status and trend for each metric, combining these into an overall framework.

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