Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment

2010-08-01 — 2012-12-31

The National Park Service is carrying out assessments of the natural resource condition (NRCA) for nearly 300 of the National Parks throughout the country deemed to have significant natural resources. This project, to assess condition of Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park in Hawaii, is a synthesis project aimed at collating and synthesizing all available data to assess current status and trend for key indicators, combining these into an overall framework.

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Pacific Island Network coral education resources

2010-06-21 — 2011-12-31

Resource managers and interpretive staff in the Pacific Island Network have partnered with IAN staff, students, educators, and cultural experts to develop an online module that explores our intricate connections to coral reefs and climate change. By synthesizing park science and integrating cultural knowledge, the module illustrates the coral ecosystems in the Pacific islands, the threats that climate change poses, and how changes to coral reefs may impact our daily lives.

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Deep Creek Lake Report Card

2010-05-15 — 2011-04-30

Deep Creek Lake is currently experiencing a host of environmental problems related to nutrient and sediment input from the surrounding watershed. The nonprofit organization Friends of Deep Creek Lake (FODCL) is collaborating with EcoCheck to design and produce an environmental report card for Deep Creek Lake. This project is especially important to the evolution of environmental assessment, communication, and reporting for aquatic systems in Maryland.

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Adapting to climate change in the Verde Island Passage, Philippines

2010-05-01 — 2010-08-31

The Verde Island Passage (VIP) is an area in the northern Philippines that has a wealth of coastal marine resources, including highly diverse coral reefs, mangrove forests, and seagrass meadows. It also has ~7 million people whose livelihoods are suppported by those resources. Climate change will impact in varying ways and degrees both the ecological and coastal communities of the VIP.

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Great Barrier Reef Report Card

2010-05-01 — 2016-03-31

The Marine Monitoring Program is a long-term water quality and ecosystem heath monitoring program carried out in the inshore region of the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon. The program is an integral component of the Reef Water Quality Protection Plan, that will help to assess the long-term effectiveness of Reef Plan in reversing decline in the quality of water entering the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: symbol requests and development

2010-03-15 — 2010-06-30

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) had designed software to facilitate the development and visualization of conceptual ecological models, and therefore required a large and comprehensive database of environmentally orientated visual icons to include for their users. USACE then partnered with IAN to incorporate our extensive symbol library into their software, and to develop additional symbols of complex ecosystems or ecosystem elements.

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Mid-Atlantic Tributary Assessment Coalition Coordination

2010-01-01 — 2013-12-31

The Mid-Atlantic Tributary Assessment Coalition is a unique and growing group of watershed organizations interested in advancing the use of environmental data from local organizations and citizen scientists for use in report cards and assessments. Using data collected by concerned citizens, IAN has helped to generate multi-year report cards for nine rivers since 2007.

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South Florida Ecosystem Synthesis

2010-01-01 — 2012-12-31

This book aims to synthesize research pertaining to key background and drivers of the South Florida ecosystem. Eight chapters organize the main research topics: geographic setting, oceanography, water quality, coral reef and hardbottom, seagrasses, mangroves, some important biota, and some important management actions.

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Statistical Hypoxia Models & Forecast in the Gulf of Mexico & Chesapeake Bay

2010-01-01 — 2017-08-31

The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) in collaboration with the University of Michigan and funded by NOAA will produce a summer dissolved oxygen forecast for Chesapeake Bay. An annual anoxia forecast will be produced for two periods (early and late summer) and a hypoxia forecast will be produced for the month of July. The results of this forecast will be published on an interactive website and included in a press release.

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