NY Harbor Billion Oyster Project

2014-10-01 — 2017-09-30

IAN is part of a successful National Science Foundation project underway in New York Harbor as part of the Billion Oyster Project (BOP), aimed at delivering environmental restoration education to New York City public schools.

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From Science to Solutions

2014-09-20 — 2014-11-03

In a time of declining resources, field stations (including marine labs and nature reserves) are struggling to maintain and enhance their important contributions to scientific discovery, innovation, education, and public outreach.

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Building the Long Island Sound Report Card

2014-09-01 — 2016-09-30

The proposed project will expand capacity of local organizations to sustain ecosystem health report cards currently in development, and will design and execute a comprehensive communications and media strategy for report card dissemination and community engagement.

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Healthy Rivers For All

2014-09-01 —

WWF and the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences seek to empower stakeholders around the world to develop and effectively use credible, locally owned report cards in their basins, fostering sustainable water management across basins around the world.

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Synthesis of South Atlantic Ecosystem Health Indicators

2014-08-01 — 2015-03-02

The South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (South Atlantic LCC) is a partnership of federal, state, and private organizations dedicated to conserving a landscape capable of sustaining the nation’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. The primary objective of this project is to develop a short synthesis report assessing 11 habitats, using a variety of ecological indicators.

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Chesapeake Bay Health Stories

2014-07-01 — 2015-02-01

The main goal of this project is to develop a web-based tool that allows users to explore time series of important bay health indicators, resources and influences. Users would be able to drag a slider across a series of years to see how status changes over time. A carousel of images, conceptual diagram, and videos could scroll through, regardless of where the slider is. Data would also be presented for inputs and overall bay status. An indicator would show what year was being shown.

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Louisiana Discovery Integration and Application Fellowship program

2014-07-01 — 2014-10-01

Bill Dennison, Bill Nuttle, and Tracey Saxby from IAN have teamed up with Robert Twilley and his staff at Louisiana Sea Grant to create a program with postdoctorates and graduate students working with Louisiana Sea Grant Marine Extension Program agents and the Coastal Sustainability Studio at Louisiana State University. This project was initiated in July in Baton Rouge, LA.

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Willamette River Report Card Development and Production

2014-05-01 — 2015-05-01

IAN, in collaboration with the Meyer Memorial Trust, will develop the Willamette River Report Card. The 187 mile long Willamette River is located entirely in Oregon and is a major tributary of the Columbia River. Flowing northward between the Oregon Coast Range and the Cascade Range, the Willamette River basin contains two-thirds of Oregon's population, including the state's largest city, Portland, positioned near the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers.

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Expansion of a survey tool to measure behavior change and impacts within watersheds

2014-04-01 — 2015-12-31

For over 30 years, citizen science organizations have been a trusted voice and advocate for the health of tributary watersheds to Chesapeake Bay. By engaging citizens in promoting specific Bay friendly actions, these clean water advocates have hoped to improve Bay water quality. However, no comprehensive assessment had been conducted to establish a baseline of current behaviors or measure behavior change.

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Chesapeake Progress logo

ChesapeakeProgress Website

2014-01-01 —

ChesapeakeProgress helps oversight groups track the Chesapeake Bay Program’s progress toward the goals and outcomes of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement. It features accurate, up-to-date and accessible data and information on indicators of environmental health, restoration and stewardship.

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