IAN is committed to producing practical, user-centered communications that foster a better understanding of science and enable readers to pursue new opportunities in research, education, and environmental problem-solving. Our publications synthesize scientific findings using effective science communication techniques.

Potential Stream Density in Mid-Atlantic US Watersheds (Page 1)

Potential Stream Density in Mid-Atlantic US Watersheds

Elmore AJ, Julian JP, Guinn SM, and Fitzpatrick MC ·

Stream network density exerts a strong influence on ecohydrologic processes in watersheds, yet existing stream maps fail to capture most headwater streams and therefore underestimate stream density. Furthermore, discrepancies between mapped and actual stream length vary between watersheds, confounding efforts to understand the impacts of land use on stream ecosystems.

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Reduction of the temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition with sustained temperature increase

Craine JM, Fierer N, McLauchlan KK, and Elmore AJ ·

The degree to which microbial communities adjust their decomposition of soil carbon over time in response to long-term increases in temperature is one of the key uncertainties in our modeling of the responses of terrestrial ecosystems to warming. To better understand changes in temperature sensitivity of soil microbial communities to long-term increases in soil temperature, we incubated 27 soils for one year with both short-term and long-term manipulations of temperature.

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Restoration of overwash processes creates piping plover (Charadrius melodus) habitat on a barrier island (Assateague Island, Maryland)

Schupp CA, Winn NT, Pearl TL, Kumer JP, Carruthers TJB, and Zimmerman CS ·

On Assateague Island, an undeveloped barrier island along Maryland and Virginia, a foredune was constructed to protect the island from the erosion and breaching threat caused by permanent jetties built to maintain Ocean City Inlet. Scientists and engineers integrated expertise in vegetation, wildlife, geomorphology, and coastal engineering in order to design a habitat restoration project that would be evaluated in terms of coastal processes rather than static features.

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Studying Nature In Situ: Immersive Education for Better Integrated Water Management (Page 1)

Studying Nature In Situ: Immersive Education for Better Integrated Water Management

Dennison WC, Oliver P ·

The term immersive education is currently used in two educational areas – language education, which involves students being totally immersed in a language and its culture; and virtual education, where teachers use computers and simulation games to immerse learners in a virtual, computer-generated environment that mimics a real-world environment and allows learners to interact with it.

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Assateague Island is Changing (Page 1)

Assateague Island is Changing

Jane Hawkey, Heath Kelsey ·
31 December 2012

The natural geomorphological processes on Assateague Island, a Mid-Atlantic barrier island, are being exacerbated by increased storm intensity and sea-level rise, impacting the habitats and wildlife. The National Park Service Assateague Island National Seashore management is taking steps to ensure the sustainability of the park and the visitor experience.

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2011 Maryland Coastal Bays report card (Page 1)

2011 Maryland Coastal Bays report card

Jane Thomas, Bill Dennison, Adrian Jones ·
19 November 2012

The aim of this report card is to provide a transparent, timely, and geographically detailed assessment of 2011 Coastal Bays health. Coastal Bays health is defined as the progress of four water quality indicators (total nitrogen, total phoshorus, Chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen) and two biotic indicators (seagrass, hard clams) toward scientifically derived ecological thresholds or goals.

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Making Marine Protected Areas Work (Page 1)

Making Marine Protected Areas Work

Jane Hawkey, Simon Costanzo ·
16 November 2012

Early engagement with local communities and regional and national officials are essential to the capacity and efficiency of marine protected areas (MPAs). This WWF MedPAN South report, along with the Marine Protected Areas: Guiding Principles and Benefits newsletter, identifies lessons learned in case studies from 5 countries with MPAs in the southern and eastern Mediterranean.

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Making Marine Protected Areas Work (Arabic) (Page 1)

Making Marine Protected Areas Work (Arabic)

Jane Hawkey, Simon Costanzo ·
16 November 2012

Early engagement with local communities and regional and national officials are essential to the capacity and efficiency of marine protected areas (MPAs). This WWF MedPAN South report, along with the Marine Protected Areas: Guiding Principles and Benefits newsletter, identifies lessons learned in case studies from 5 countries with MPAs in the southern and eastern Mediterranean.

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Making Marine Protected Areas Work (French) (Page 1)

Making Marine Protected Areas Work (French)

Jane Hawkey, Simon Costanzo ·
16 November 2012

Early engagement with local communities and regional and national officials are essential to the capacity and efficiency of marine protected areas (MPAs). This WWF MedPAN South report, along with the Marine Protected Areas: Guiding Principles and Benefits newsletter, identifies lessons learned in case studies from 5 countries with MPAs in the southern and eastern Mediterranean.

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