Publications by Alexandra Fries

IAN is committed to producing practical, user-centered communications that foster a better understanding of science and enable readers to pursue new opportunities in research, education, and environmental problem-solving. Our publications synthesize scientific findings using effective science communication techniques.

Guanabara Bay Report Card (Page 1)

Guanabara Bay Report Card

Dave Nemazie, Alexandra Fries, Bill Dennison ·
21 July 2017

This report card provides a transparent, timely, and geographically detailed assessment of health in Guanabara’s Bay and basin using data from 2013-2015. Guanabara Bay health and Guanabara Bay Basin health are defined as the progress of five water quality indicators toward scientifically-derived thresholds or goals. The indicators are combined into two water quality scores, one score for the Bay, and one for the Basin.

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2016 Chesapeake Bay Report Card (Page 1)

2016 Chesapeake Bay Report Card

Caroline Donovan, Alexandra Fries, Dylan Taillie, Bill Dennison ·
8 May 2017

This report card provides a transparent, timely, and geographically detailed assessment of Chesapeake Bay. In 2016, the report card includes five water quality indicators and two biotic indicators. In 2016, the overall grade for Chesapeake Bay is a 54%, a C. This means the Bay is in moderate health. Long term trends of each reporting region health and a fisheries index are also presented. For further details, visit the Report Card Website.

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Exploring Everglades ecosystem health (Page 1)

Exploring Everglades ecosystem health

Alexandra Fries, Bill Nuttle, Caroline Donovan, Emily Nastase, Heath Kelsey ·
5 May 2017

This newsletter describes the results from the first workshop to develop the Everglades Report Card and provides a roadmap for the future of this project. Members of the RECOVER (REstoration COordination VERification) team met with the Integration and Application Network to begin work on the Everglades Report Card and 2019 System Status Report. This workshop, held in West Palm Beach, Florida, took a system-wide view and is the first of four workshops to create these two documents.

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Tidal water quality indicator factsheets (Page 1)

Tidal water quality indicator factsheets

Caroline Donovan, Suzanne Webster, Alexandra Fries ·
18 April 2017

The Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative (CMC), as part of the Indicator Effectiveness Matrix objective, produced 12 factsheets describing 14 tidal water quality indicators. These indicators are part of the CMC's tidal water quality Quality Assurance Project Plan and Method Manuals. The factsheets are intended for nontraditional and volunteer monitoring groups to include as part of their water quality monitoring programs as education materials for their volunteers.

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Report cards and system dynamics modelling (Page 1)

Report cards and system dynamics modelling

Simon Costanzo, Bill Dennison, Alexandra Fries, Heath Kelsey, Dave Nemazie, Vanessa Vargas-Nguyen, Emily Nastase ·
23 March 2017

This newsletter summarizes the outcomes of a workshop exploring the linkages and potential benefits of combining river basin health report cards and system dynamics modelling. These two approaches have traditionally been utilized separate from each other, however merging the two will lead to better management of the world's river basins.

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Shenandoah National Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (Page 1)

Shenandoah National Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment

Costanzo SD, Lookingbill T, Walsh B, Fries A, Spitzer S, Hawkey J, Vargas V, Webb B, Easby S, Goelst C, Rouch M. ·
10 August 2016

Assessment of natural resource condition within Shenandoah National Park was carried out using the National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Program Vital Signs ecological monitoring framework. The park was categorized into six reporting areas based on two altitudes and three major geology types underlying Shenandoah National Park. Thirty-one metrics were analyzed for 14 indicators grouped into four categories:

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Arauca River Report Card 2016 (Page 1)

Arauca River Report Card 2016

Simon Costanzo, Alexandra Fries ·
6 July 2016

This report card provides a transparent, timely, and geographically detailed assessment of the Arauca River, a sub-basin in the Orinoco River Basin. In 2016, the overall grade for the Arauca River is a 51%, a C. This means the Arauca is in moderate health. For further details, visit the report card website at

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Atabapo River Report Card 2016 (Page 1)

Atabapo River Report Card 2016

Simon Costanzo, Alexandra Fries, Jane Thomas ·
6 July 2016

This report card provides a transparent, timely, and geographically detailed assessment of the Atabapo River, a sub-basin in the Orinoco River Basin. In 2016, the overall grade for the Atabapo River is a 72%, a B. This means the Atabapo is in moderately good health. For further details, visit the report card website at

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