Protecting Palau's natural heritage

The Republic of Palau, an island nation in the tropical western Pacific Ocean, harbors diverse mangrove, seagrass, and coral communities. Palau is at a crossroads due to improved access to, and development of, its largest island, Babeldaob. This is leading to increased sediment runoff, particularly in the Ngerikiil River/Airai Bay watershed, the most developed region of Babeldaob Island. The Palau Conservation Society and partners are making strides in management, research, and monitoring to focus attention and prevent further degradation of Palau's tremendous natural heritage.


IAN Author(s)Bill Dennison, Ben Longstaff, Jane Thomas
Date Published2007-08-06
ProjectTraining Federal Agencies in Ecosystem-Based Management
Location(s)Airai Bay, Palau
Number of Pages3
Filesize8.3 MB
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