Blog posts categorized by Applying Science
The UMCES Environmental Summit. Photo credit: UMCES Flickr.

A perspective on the UMCES Environmental Summit

Andrew Elmore ·
8 January 2019
Applying Science | Learning Science | 

The UMCES Environmental Summit. Photo credit: UMCES Flickr. On November 30, 2018 the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) community gathered at the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology (IMET) in Baltimore to discuss environmental science and application to resource management and policy with our new president, Dr. Peter Goodwin.

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The Conversation article that accompanied the release of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science article by Lefcheck et al.

The Integration and Application Network in 2018

Bill Dennison ·
31 December 2018
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication | Applying Science | Learning Science | 

The Integration and Application Network (IAN) had an eventful and exciting year. We were able to report some really good news in the improvements in the health of Chesapeake Bay and Maryland Coastal Bays with our annual report cards. In addition, the publication of a scientific synthesis paper that IAN staff helped generate was able to reach a broad audience. This paper identified that the nutrient reductions into Chesapeake Bay were leading to ecosystem health improvements.

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Sign at Phillips Wharf entrance. Photo credit: Bill Dennison.

A visit to the Harris Creek oyster restoration site with Chesapeake Bay Program colleagues

Bill Dennison ·
14 December 2018
Applying Science | 

Kristin Saunders, a University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science at the Chesapeake Bay Program (UMCES@CBP) employee, organizes regular mini-retreats for the Goal Implementation Team chairs and Chesapeake Bay Program leadership. The Goal Implementation Team chairs included Sean Corson (Sustainable Fisheries), Christine Conn (Habitat), James Davis-Martin (Water Quality), Chuck Hunt (Fostering Chesapeake Stewardship), and Dave Goshorn (Enhance Partnering, Leadership and Management).

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2nd International Conference on the Environmental Management of the Enclosed Coastal Seas (EMECS 12) held at the Jomtien Palm Beach Resort in Thailand. Photo credit: Vanessa Vargas-Nguyen.

Representing UMCES at the 12th International Conference on the Environmental Management of the Enclosed Coastal Seas

Vanessa Vargas-Nguyen ·
3 December 2018
Applying Science |     1 comments

Last November 5-8, 2018, I was fortunate to have attended and presented at the 12th International Conference on the Environmental Management of the Enclosed Coastal Seas (EMECS 12) held at the Jomtien Palm Beach Resort in Thailand. EMECS 12 was hosted by the International EMECS Center and co-hosted by the Royal Society of Thailand, several leading Thai Universities, and the UNESCO-IOC/WESTPAC.

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The IWC9 was held in Marrakech, Morocco 5-8 November. Photo credit: Heath Kelsey.

Talking River Basin Report Cards at the International Waters Conference, Marrakech

Heath Kelsey ·
28 November 2018
Environmental Report Cards | Applying Science | 

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) hosts a biennial International Waters Conference (IWC9 this year), which focuses on international water issues. Sarah Davidson and I were invited to the conference to talk about how ecosystem health report cards could support transboundary water assessments. This year the meeting was held in Marrakech, Morocco, from 5-8 November.

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Hurricane Irene approaches the Carolinas, 2011. Photo credit: NASA/GSFC/Jeff Schmaltz/MODIS Land Rapid Response Team.

The Die of the Storm

Kate Petersen ·
26 November 2018
Applying Science | Learning Science |     1 comments

Dice clatter on a plain table in a quiet room. The truncated, cacophonous collision of plastic and faux wood laminate foretells the destiny of a densely populated urban area. The game master considers the exposed numbers reflected in the light of a computer screen before inputting the next fated event: Power station 3, grid section 6 fails. Pump 617 offline.

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Participants at the Texas Coast Ecosystem Health Report Card meeting at Harte Research Institute, Corpus Christi, Texas. From left to right: Mike Wetz, Quentin Hall, Chris Onuf, Kim Withers, Terry Palmer, Jennifer Pollack, Jamie Currie, Larry McKinney, and Heath Kelsey. Photo credit: Jamie Currie.

Creating the Texas Coast Ecosystem Health Report Card

Heath Kelsey ·
19 November 2018
Environmental Report Cards | Applying Science |     1 comments

Jamie Currie and I had an exciting meeting with experts on Texas coastal water quality, birds, seagrass, oysters, and fisheries on November 1 and 2 to create the first Texas Coast Ecosystem Health Report Card. We met at the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies in Corpus Christi, Texas, which was a great venue for the meeting.

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Dr. Dolgorsuren Garmaa (left) and Dr. Purevdorj Surenkhorloo (right) presented in the morning. Photos by Dylan Taillie.

Stakeholder workshop bring locals one step closer to a report card for the Tuul River Basin

Dylan Taillie ·
12 November 2018
Environmental Report Cards | Applying Science | 

On October 28th, 2018 Simon Costanzo and I arrived in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia, for the beginning of a busy week of workshops and trainings. Healthy Rivers for All (a collaborative effort between the UMCES Integration and Application Network and the World Wildlife Fund) has been facilitating the creation of a river basin health report card for the Tuul River Basin, the major river running through the capital of Mongolia.

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Simon Costanzo introducing the theory behind the stakeholder selection activity.

Old faces, new times. Stakeholder mapping at International Riversymposium 2018 (Sydney, Australia)

Simon Costanzo ·
9 November 2018
Science Communication | Applying Science | 

This October 2018, I attended the 21st International Riversymposium, continuing a long-standing tradition of presIANce at this meeting on river science and management. In fact, I recall the very first Riversymposium held in Brisbane in 1998 way back when I was still a student studying the very river system that is the namesake of the annual conference. Since those days much has changed for the conference, the Brisbane River, and Moreton Bay…. all for the better.

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