The opening plenary of the 13th Annual Great Lakes Restoration Conference. Image credit Brianne Walsh.

A Trip to The Queen City

Brianne Walsh ·
8 December 2017

In October, I attended the 13th Annual Great Lakes Restoration Conference. This conference was hosted by the Healing Our Waters (HOW) Great Lakes Coalition. The coalition consists of over 150 environmental, conservation, and outdoor recreation organizations all with one common goal: restoring and protecting North America’s greatest freshwater resources, the Great Lakes. The opening plenary of the 13th Annual Great Lakes Restoration Conference. Image credit Brianne Walsh.

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Our presentation team sharing a meal before our session.

Sharing tools for stakeholder engagement and collaboration at the Chesapeake Watershed Forum

Suzanne Webster ·
4 December 2017
Environmental Literacy | Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication | Applying Science | 

Last month, several IAN staff members traveled to the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, to attend the Chesapeake Watershed Forum. The Forum is an annual regional conference hosted by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay. This year IAN was represented by Caroline, Emily, Dylan, Vanessa, and Suzi. The 2017 conference theme was Healthy Lands, Healthy Waters, Healthy People.

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Alexandra Fries with the four Belmont Forum Banners.

The Belmont Forum goes to Brazil

Alexandra Fries ·
1 December 2017
Science Communication |     1 comments

I recently traveled to Sao Paulo, Brazil to help facilitate the Belmont Forum Plenary Meetings Week, November 6-10, 2017. The Belmont Forum is a group of funders that support international transdisciplinary research. This research provides knowledge for understanding, mitigating, and adapting to global environmental change. Prior to the meetings, IAN staff created materials for the event, including the agenda, a booklet, presentation templates, videos, a song, and banners.

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IAN staff participating in a Transdisciplinary workshop in Paris, France. Image credit Bill Dennison

Integrate, Apply and Network

Bill Dennison ·
29 November 2017
Science Communication | 

In 2002 The Integration and Application Network (IAN) was born. Based on a 2000 strategic plan formulated by the faculty of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES), IAN was created because UMCES was concerned that its scientific effort was documenting environmental declines rather than helping create solutions to environmental problems.

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A stakeholder workshop captures perspectives and insights from all participants through a participatory mapping exercise. Credit: Heath Kelsey

Stumbling Into a New Approach

Heath Kelsey ·
28 November 2017
Science Communication | 

As we’ve pioneered new ways to develop ecosystem health assessments and report cards, we’ve learned a few lessons on what makes them successful and what does not. The most successful projects (those that continue on after our involvement, creating lasting impact) are those in which we’ve approached the process as a true partnership with colleagues from diverse backgrounds, areas of expertise, and perspectives.

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Bill Dennison, Heath Kelsey and Dylan Taillie conspire about their CERF contributions. Image credit Suzi Spitzer

Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation 2017 Conference

Bill Dennison ·
20 November 2017
Learning Science | 

The 2017 Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) Conference in Providence, Rhode Island had the theme "Coastal science inflection point: celebrating successes, learning from challenges." The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) always has a strong presence at CERF conferences, but because this was the first conference hosted on the East Coast since 2011, we had a particularly large delegation.

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Susquehanna River at Great Bend. Image credit here

Changing Perceptions of the Chesapeake Bay and Its Watershed

Bill Nuttle ·
17 November 2017
Environmental Literacy | 

I drive regularly between Ottawa, Ontario, where I live, and Chestertown, Maryland , where I grew up. My family still lives on the shore of the Chesapeake Bay . Over the 30 years that I have been making this trip, the landscape has not changed, but recently my perception of it has. Susquehanna River at Great Bend. Image credit here … One of the landmarks that I look for is the bridge where I-81 crosses the Susquehanna River at Great Bend, Pennsylvania .

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Sao Paulo's highest peak Jaraguá Peak. Image credit here

Bill's Belmont Forum Song

Bill Dennison ·
13 November 2017

During the week of November 6th, Alexandra Fries traveled to São Paulo, Brazil to support our Belmont Forum colleagues while most of the rest of Integration and Application Network traveled to Rhode Island for the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Conference (CERF). In preparation for her trip, we wrote a song that she could use at the Belmont Forum workshop.

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Locations where report cards have been produced.

Using Poetry to Deliver an “Ignite” Style Scientific Presentation

Bill Dennison ·
9 November 2017

As part of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation 2017 Conference in Providence, Rhode Island, Heath Kelsey and I were assigned two five minute ‘ignite’ style talks. In these style talks, you are required to have the slides automatically advance as you are speaking. I watched several people struggle to keep up with the slides as they advanced, and this made me nervous.

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Margeret A. Davidson. The Margaret A. Davidson Stewardship Award was named after her. Image credit here

CERF Award Presentation

Bill Dennison ·
7 November 2017

The Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) holds a conference every alternating year. At this conference, coastal and estuarine scientists and resource managers gather to share knowledge. This year’s CERF conference theme was ‘Coastal Science Inflection Point: Celebrating Successes, Learning from Challenges’. The CERF 2017 Conference was held in Providence, Rhode Island, the third time that CERF conferences were held in Providence due to the popularity of this venue.

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