Mongolian gers and solar panels. image credit Bill Dennison

Environmental literacy of the Tuul River, Mongolia

Bill Dennison ·
1 August 2017
Environmental Literacy | Science Communication | 

Environmental literacy principles for the Tuul River, Mongolia … • The Tuul River in northcentral Mongolia is a tributary to the Orkhon River. The Orkhon River flows through Lake Baikal, Russia via the Selenga River and into the Yenesei River, which is the largest tributary into the Arctic Ocean. • Water from the Tuul River is heavily utilized, mostly for domestic and industrial use in their capital, Ulaanbaatar.

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The view of the One World Trade Center from the front door of our hotel. Image credit James Currie

The Billion Oyster Conference and New York City: Part 1

Jamie Currie ·
27 July 2017
Science Communication | Learning Science | 

Several weeks ago, I attended a symposium for the Billion Oyster Project with Dr. Judy O’Neil. This marked my first time in New York City and my first oyster conference. On the day of the symposium, Judy and I walked to the ferry terminal, located in the Battery Maritime Building. My first thought was how pungently it smelled like a city. I grew up in the country, so I’m used to the earthy scent of woods and fields.

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Mongolia: Land of the Eternal Blue Sky. Photo credit Bill Dennison

In the Footsteps of Gengis Khan in the Mongolian Steppe: Part 3

Bill Dennison ·
25 July 2017
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication | 

Training Mongolians to Develop a Tuul River Report Card … After our field trip, Simon Costanzo, Michele Thieme and I held a two and a half day workshop in Ulaanbaatar, working closely with WWF Mongolia and key stakeholders in order to develop the skills and strategies needed to create a Tuul River report card. We structured the workshop around the five steps of report card development: Conceptualization, Choose indicators, Determine thresholds, Calculate scores and Communicate results.

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Bill Dennison, Michele Thieme and Simon Costanzo in front of the Parliament House in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Photo Credit Bill Dennison

In the Footsteps of Gengis Khan in the Mongolian Steppe: Part 1

Bill Dennison ·
18 July 2017
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication | Applying Science | 

From July 2nd- 4th, 2017, Simon Costanzo, Michele Thieme and I took a day to walk around the capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar (Ulan Bator) and two days on driving tours to see both upstream and downstream sections of the Tuul River. This blog installment provides the first part of a synopsis of these field trips in anticipation of our Tuul River report card workshop. Ulaanbaatar … Ulaanbaatar centers around a large public square. Behind this square is Parliament House.

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Marissa Joiner, Laura Murray, Michael Kemp and Cullen Murray-Kemp. Photo credit: Bill Dennison

Michael Kemp's Retirement Party

Bill Dennison ·
13 July 2017
Applying Science | Learning Science | 

On May 20th, 2017, two former students of Michael Kemp, Jeremy Testa and Cassie Gurbisz, surprised him with a retirement party. For the venue, they chose the the pavilion at Horn Point Laboratory, which is part of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. His son Cullen Murray-Kemp and daughter-in-law Marissa Joiner drove up from Charleston, South Carolina to surprise him.

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Jane Hawkey photographing on a beach. Photo credit Simon Costanzo

Jane Hawkey, the Integration and Application Network ‘Closer’ retiring

Bill Dennison ·
11 July 2017
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication |     1 comments

Before starting at the Integration and Application Network (IAN) in 2005, Jane Hawkey worked for Washington Sea Grant, and then as a research assistant for several different Horn Point Laboratory faculty. There, she attended research cruises, produced newsletters and helped with publication graphics. These skills and experiences helped her when she joined IAN. She rose to IAN Senior Science Communicator within a short time period.

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Dr. Don Boesch, President of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. Image credit: Baltimore Sun

Don Boesch, the Coastal Scholar, steps down after 27 years

Bill Dennison ·
6 July 2017
Environmental Literacy | Science Communication | Applying Science | Learning Science | 

Dr. Don Boesch, President of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. Image credit: Baltimore Sun … We had two very nice events to celebrate Don Boesch’s twenty seven year career as President of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. The first was held on June 1 at the Institute of Marine Environmental Technology in Baltimore with some 300 people attending. It featured many speeches and testimonials and was a grand event.

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Biscayne Bay Marine Health Inaugural Summit poster and logo. Image credit: Bill Dennison

Biscayne Bay Marine Health Inaugural Summit

Bill Dennison ·
4 July 2017
Environmental Literacy | Science Communication | Applying Science | 

The Biscayne Bay Marine Health Inaugural Summit was held at the Florida International University Biscayne Bay campus. I flew down at the invitation of Jim Fourqurean, my long time friend and seagrass colleague, who provided a very nice introduction. There were around two hundred people in attendance and my role was to provide a lunch time talk to relate some lessons from other locations that were relevant to Biscayne Bay.

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Beth Wasden (Nanticoke Watershed Alliance). Image credit: Bill Dennison

Developing environmental intelligence through environmental literacy and citizen science

Bill Dennison ·
29 June 2017
Environmental Literacy | Science Communication | 

I was asked to speak at a ‘Data to Decisions’ workshop at the Wye Research and Education Center on the summer solstice (21 June 2017). The workshop was sponsored by the Maryland Water Monitoring Council (MWMC). Caroline Donovan, the Integration and Application Network’s (IAN) Program Manager, is on the MWMC board and is also the lead IAN representative on the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative.

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