Top: A photo of a kayaking trip, which can be used to enhance written information. Bottom: a video discussing the role of seagrass in sequestering blue carbon. Visual credit: Integration and Application Network

Practical visual literacy for science communication

Bill Dennison ·
28 March 2017
Science Communication | 

As part of our ongoing learning about science integration and application, our team reads and reviews papers that are relevant to the IAN mission. We recently read and enjoyed a paper by Estrada and Davis titled "Improving Visual Communication of Science Through the Incorporation of Graphic Design Theories and Practices Into Science Communication", published in the Journal Science Communication in 2015. In this paper, they called for the inclusion of 'visual literacy' in science communication.

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Erica Kropp

Celebrating the life of Erica Herling Kropp (1950-2016)

Bill Dennison ·
27 March 2017

On 22 February 2017, a large group of friends and co-workers gathered at the University of Maryland College Park to celebrate the life of an extraordinary person, Erica Herling Kropp. Erica worked in a research support role for 43 years for the University System of Maryland. Her first stint was for 32 years at College Park, followed by an 11 year stint at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES).

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Group photo at the Pu'ukohola Heiau National Historic Site. Photo credit: Bill Dennison

Exploring Hawaii: arid zone ecology, vog and volcanoes

Bill Dennison ·
24 March 2017
Applying Science |     1 comments

Dave Helweg and Christian Giardina organized a field trip on the Big Island of Hawai'i immediately following our workshop on Oahu. When the plane that Simon Costanzo and I were on landed in Hilo, Christian contacted us to inform me that his wife, Ingrid Dockersmith, had sailed with me aboard the R/V Westward as part of Sea Semester. I was the Chief Scientist and Ingrid was an Assistant Scientist when we left from Maine and sailed to Barbados, Bequia and eventually St.

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The large baobab tree on the University of Hawaii campus. Photo credit: Simon Costanzo

Moana Revisited

Bill Dennison ·
22 March 2017
Applying Science |     1 comments

I enjoyed the University of Hawaii campus. We used the food trucks for lunch on the first day, and ate at the campus food court on the second day. After the first day of the workshop, we enjoyed sitting outside at the campus pub, drinking local Kona Longboard beer and listening to the mynah birds in the trees. The sound of the mynahs and the sight of pandanus trees made me recall my stint at the University of Queensland.

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Participants at the Hawaii workshop. Photo credit: Bill Dennison

Hawaii ecodrought workshop; trade wind invasions, ridge to reef, endemic species

Bill Dennison ·
20 March 2017
Applying Science |     1 comments

On 7-8 March, Simon Costanzo and I facilitated an ecodrought workshop at the University of Hawaii at the main campus in Manoa, a suburb of Honolulu. Our host was the Pacific Islands Climate Science Center, headed by Dave Helweg. This Climate Science Center has a huge swath of territory to cover, including American Samoa, the Marshall Islands, Guam, Palau and a host of isolated atolls (e.g., Johnstone, Palmyra).

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Top: Guam's location. Photo credit: Google Maps. Bottom: hotels dot the shoreline around along the northwest coast of Guam. Photo credit: Alex Fries

The first thing people ask: Where is Guam, anyway?

Caroline Donovan ·
17 March 2017
Environmental Report Cards | 

Guam is in the western Pacific Ocean, approximately equidistant from Tokyo (north), Manila (west), and Papua New Guinea (south). And, on January 28th, Heath Kelsey, Alex Fries, and I traveled to Guam from Hawaii. Guam is a U.S. territory and is one island in the chain of islands that make up the Mariana archipelago. Guam has a population of approximately 165,000, but with several military bases and a strong tourism business, the number of people on the island can fluctuate significantly. Top:

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Susi Moser facilitating the Transdisciplinary workshop. Photo credit: Bill Dennison

Talking about Transdisciplinary research in Paris

Bill Dennison ·
14 March 2017
Science Communication | 

I attended a 'Transdisciplinary Research Meeting', sponsored by the International Council for Science (ICSU), which is part of UNESCO, and is based in Paris. The meeting was at the ICSU facility near the Arc de Triomphe. Our local host was Vivi Stavrou, from the International Social Science Council (ISSC). Participants came from four continents (North and South America, Europe and Africa), and they all had a keen interest in transdisciplinary research. The following people attended the meeting:

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Flying from Guam to Saipan, we passed over Rota. Photo credit: Alex Fries

Meet Saipan, one of America’s forgotten territories

Alexandra Fries ·
13 March 2017
Environmental Report Cards | 

On February 1st 2017, Heath Kelsey, Caroline Donovan, and I traveled from Guam to our last stop on the Pacific Islands trip, Saipan. Saipan is an island in the Mariana Archipelago, and is part of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), a US territory. Saipan, Rota, and Tinian are the only islands currently inhabited in the Marianas. Flying from Guam to Saipan, we passed over Rota. Photo credit:

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Left to Right: Antoine Lavoiser's portrait painted in 1788, available from: Antoine Lavoisier's laboratory equipment exhibit in the Musee des Arts et Metiers. Photo credit: Bill Dennison

On the trail of iconic Parisian scientists

Bill Dennison ·
7 March 2017
Science Communication | 

Following a three day meeting on transdisciplinary research, I had a day to explore Paris in search of the trails of three of my scientific icons. My eighteenth century science icon from Paris is Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier (1743-1794); my nineteenth century icon is Louis Pasteur (1822-1895); and my twentieth century icon is Marie Curie (1867-1934). Lavoisier:

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An index of problem difficulty matched with best research approaches. Diagram credit: Modified from nature. com by Emily Nastase

Transdisciplinary literacy: Seven principles that help define transdisciplinary research

Bill Dennison ·
6 March 2017
Science Communication |     3 comments

Following a three-day workshop on transdisciplinary research training, held 15-17 Feb 2017 in Paris, France, I reflected on the essential elements of transdisciplinary research. We spent much of our three days talking about what constitutes transdisciplinary research, and many concepts were discussed. This blog attempts to distill some of this discussion and to put forward a version of what constitutes transdisciplinary research.

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