Trevor Taylor from the City of Eugene introduces us to the Delta Ponds.

Did you know the Willamette River flows north?

Tracey Saxby ·
9 October 2014
Environmental Report Cards | 

One of the things I love most about my job is that I’m constantly learning about different places, working with local experts that share their knowledge and passion for the place they live, and the science they do. Right now I’m learning about the Willamette River in Oregon, as the IAN team is working in partnership with Meyer Memorial Trust to develop an Ecosystem Health Report Card for the main stem of the Willamette.

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View of Ohio River from Galt House Hotel, Louisville, KY

Draft Mississippi River report card released at 2014 America's Watershed Initiative Summit

Bill Dennison ·
7 October 2014
Environmental Report Cards | 

Heath Kelsey, Bill Nuttle, Caroline Donovan, Brianne Walsh and I traveled to Louisville, KY on the banks of the Ohio River to participate in the 2014 America's Watershed Initiative Summit. This Summit represented the culmination of a series of basin workshops and a concerted effort by IAN Science Integrators, Science Communicators, and Science Communication Interns to determine indicators, access indicator data and calculate scores.

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The four Thiess International Riverprize recipients at the 2014 International Riversymposium.

Thiess International Riverprize finalists for 2014

Bill Dennison ·
23 September 2014
Applying Science | Learning Science |     1 comments

The four Thiess International Riverprize finalists provided inspirational examples of creative solutions for river protection and restoration. The winner of the 2014 Riverprize was the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine, a group of committed and passionate individuals who have transformed the "Sewer of Europe" into a river with high water quality, migratory fish and restored floodplains. There were four very worthy finalists for the 2014 International Riverprize:

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Photo of the 2011 flood at Munro Centre.

The importance of university child care: Attending the dedication of Munro Center, University of Queensland

Bill Dennison ·
18 September 2014
Queensland Floods | 

During our ten-year stint at the University of Queensland, we were fortunate to have access to high quality on-campus child care. This child care was a decisive factor in maintaining dual careers for my wife Judy O'Neil and for me. As well, our children developed lifelong friendships at the two child care facilities: Munro Centre (ages 0-3) and Campus Kindy (ages 3-5).

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Teachers at the USAUS-H2O workshop in Canberra.

USAUS-H2O Canberra workshop

Bill Dennison ·
16 September 2014
Learning Science |     1 comments

In order to kick off Phase 2 of the USAUS-H2O virtual environmental exchange program between eight high schools in Australia and eight high schools in the U.S., we held a teacher workshop in Canberra, Australia. Judy O'Neil, Simon Costanzo and I traveled to Canberra, the capital city of Australia where our partners from Charles Darwin University organized the workshop at the University House, Australian National University.

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Picturesque landscapes are all around in the Scottish Highlands

Failte gu Alba! (Welcome to Scotland!)

Caroline Donovan ·
11 September 2014
Science Communication | Applying Science | Learning Science |     3 comments

Participating in the International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC) 3rd Annual Conference, August 14-18 2014 at Glasgow, Scotland … Picturesque landscapes are all around in the Scottish Highlands … I traveled to the International Marine Conservation Congress' (IMCC) conference in Scotland in part because I wanted to visit Scotland - land of Scottish brogues, whisky, and wild, mountainous landscapes!

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Three ecologists contemplate something fishy about a 900-year-old cedar tree on Haida Gwaii.

Insights on story-telling from the salmon in the tree

Bill Nuttle ·
9 September 2014
Learning Science | 

I first heard the story of the salmon in the tree while visiting in Haida Gwaii this summer. Haida Gwaii is a set of islands along the northwest coast of North America that is home to the Haida people, one of several nations of the aboriginal people that have existed here for about 10,000 years. I am an engineer by training, and my traveling companions, my wife Lenore and friends Tom and Nancy, are scientists.

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Kansas City skyline from Kaw Point, where the Kansas River terminates at the Missouri River in the West Bottoms area of Kansas City. Photo from Wikipedia.

Water supply is a concern in report card planning for the Missouri River Basin

Heath Kelsey ·
4 September 2014
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication | 

I traveled to Kansas City, Missouri August 26, 2014 to facilitate a workshop in the Missouri River Basin, as part of the Mississippi River Report Card project with America’s Watershed Initiative. This meeting, held at the Kansas City Airport Hilton, was a follow-up to the May 23 meeting we had in Rapid City, South Dakota, where we got a good start on conceptualizing issues and concerns in the basin.

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Jacqueline Talbot and Meghan Ruta talking about goals of the conference.

2014 Connecticut Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Conference

Alexandra Fries ·
28 August 2014
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication | 

In conjunction with our work on the Long Island Sound embayment report cards, I was invited to speak about report cards at the first annual Connecticut Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Conference. The conference was held on July 25th, 2014 at Goodwin College. The organizers of the conference were Jacqueline Talbot with the Connecticut River Watershed Council and Meghan Ruta with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP).

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