Map showing the Missouri River basin. Source: Wikipedia

Missouri River: Environmental Literacy

Heath Kelsey ·
3 June 2014
Environmental Literacy | 

‘Environmental literacy‘ series … The seven environmental literacy principles for the Missouri River are the following: • The Missouri River is the longest tributary (2,300 miles) of the Mississippi River. • Navigation on the Missouri River is supported by a series of levees and dikes from the mouth to Sioux City, Iowa, about 760 miles. • A series of reservoirs north of Sioux City on the Missouri River serves multiple uses.

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Jones Falls downstream of Mill No. 1.

Baltimore’s Annual Healthy Harbor Report Card

Bill Dennison ·
29 May 2014
Environmental Report Cards | 

Along with Caroline Wicks from the Integration and Application Network, I attended the release of the 2013 Baltimore Harbor report card on 28 May. The Integration and Application Network team developed the initial report card a couple of years ago, working closely with the Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore and Blue Water Baltimore and still provide data analysis support for the Baltimore Harbor report card.

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Locks and dams found along the Upper Mississippi River.

Upper Mississippi River: Environmental Literacy

Bill Dennison ·
27 May 2014
Environmental Literacy | 

'Environmental literacy' series … The seven environmental literacy principles for the Upper Mississippi River are the following: • The Upper Mississippi River is regulated with a series of locks and dams, extending from St. Louis, IL to Minneapolis, MN. • The Upper Mississippi River watershed includes forests and lakes in the northern regions and corn/soy croplands in the southern regions.

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2013 Chesapeake Bay report released

Bill Dennison ·
23 May 2014
Environmental Report Cards | Science Communication | 

The 2013 Chesapeake Bay report card provides an important insight into how stormwater runoff affects the Bay. The contrast between the Upper Eastern Shore report card scores which are degrading over time versus the James River report card scores which are improving over time provides important insights. Both regions experienced intense rainfall in 2013, yet the report card scores responded differently.

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Heath Kelsey, Jordy Jordahl, Bill Nuttle and Patrick Brennan hiking in the Nickel Preserve.

Visiting the Nickel Preserve in eastern Oklahoma

Bill Dennison ·
22 May 2014
Science Communication | 

As a follow up to the Arkansas/Red River workshop in Tulsa, OK where we facilitated a workshop associated with the development of a Mississippi River report card, five of us traveled to The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Nickel Preserve in Eastern Oklahoma. Jordy Jordahl, the Executive Director of America's Watershed Initiative, Patrick Brennan, the Sustainability Manager from Ingram Barge, along with me, Heath Kelsey and Bill Nuttle from the IAN team comprised the report card strategy group.

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Mayo Hotel building (left) and lobby (right), Tulsa, OK.

Arkansas and Red Rivers Workshop in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Bill Dennison ·
20 May 2014
Science Communication | 

As part of our continuing series of stakeholder expert workshops for developing a Mississippi River basin report card, a team of IAN Science Integrators and Science Communicators traveled to Tulsa, Oklahoma on 14-15 May 2014. Heath Kelsey, Bill Nuttle, Bill Dennison, Caroline Wicks, and Brianne Walsh. Anthony Kung, the visiting graduate student from the University of Queensland, came along as an observer as well.

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Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michaels, Maryland. Source: Wikipedia

Bahamian adventures: Columbus on the Niña and seagrass scientists on the R/V Calanus

Bill Dennison ·
15 May 2014
Science Communication | 

On May 11, replicas of two of the three ships that Christopher Columbus sailed across the Atlantic Ocean were at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michaels, Maryland. These replicas of the Niña and the Pinta were made using authentic materials and constructed with historically appropriate tools. The Columbus Foundation sails these ships to different port calls as "floating museums".

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Map of Ohio River basin.

Ohio River basin: Environmental Literacy

Bill Dennison ·
13 May 2014
Environmental Literacy | 

'Environmental literacy' series … The seven environmental literacy principles for the Ohio River basin are the following: • The Ohio River is the major eastern tributary of the Mississippi River, traversing through a diversity of landscapes. • The Ohio River is the major water source of the Mississippi River, with its flow regulated through a series of locks and dams.

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Shrimp and Grits – Working with the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council

Simon Costanzo ·
8 May 2014
Science Communication | 

IAN was lucky enough to be invited to Charleston, South Carolina, to conduct a science communication course for the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (SAFMC). Together with Jane Thomas, Brianne Walsh and Jane Hawkey, we had two wonderful days in the warm South, and were even greeted by an alligator on the lawn outside our hotel when we arrived. We were then greeted by a much more pleasant host, Amber Von Harten, who is the outreach specialist for SAFMC.

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University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science faculty convocation: Bill Chameides, President's Award, new joint degree program, remembering Debbie Morrin-Nordlund

Bill Dennison ·
6 May 2014
Science Communication | 

On May 1-2, we held our annual UMCES faculty convocation- this year's convocation was hosted by Horn Point Laboratory. Our guest speaker was Bill Chameides, the Dean of the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University. The focus of this year's convocation was 'The future of graduate education at UMCES', as we have a new joint program and are in the midst of a curriculum revision for the multi-campus Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences program.

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